community and discord rules

1 - Don't be a asshole

If you are unpleasant to be around, don't be surprised if you are no longer around. Respect fellow community members, players, and admins at all times. Harassment of community members in or out of game is not tolerated and will result in permanent removal from the community and server.



2 - Personal conduct


we expect people to act mature and be in control of their emotions even when something does not go their way. If you cant handle a situation remove yourself from it and contact an admin. public temper tantrums, name calling, and fire fanning will not be allowed in any capacity. if administration is trying to come to a resolution and you continually hamper and stymie those efforts by being uncooperative or outright making things worse you will be removed. We are not here to placate or babysit.



3 - No NSFW or Pornographic material/topics


There's enough places to be a degen on the internet. This ain't one of them.



4 - No posting sexually suggestive material/conversations

We will apply this rule to be any reference to these topics, not necessarily outright explicit material. Please be sensible with your conversation topics. This includes but is not limited to conversations, actions, or content.



5 - No agressively offensive language or conversation topics

Follow the golden rule and treat others the way you'd want to be treated.



6 - No extensive political discussion.


Leave it for the Thanksgiving table.



7 - Keep real money trading and transaction outside of the server.


Art commission/sales are permitted however, as this mainly applies to account trading, selling, and sponsorship.



8 - Server @MODERATOR  have final say at all times.


if you feel as if a decision has been made unjustly, feel free to privately message an administrator.



9 - Respect the guidelines set out in ⁠channel-guide


10 - No advertisement of other discords or community in the SSR Discord.


11 - Do not break Discord TOS (

roleplay and gameplay rules



12 - No Rape/erotic/expliciT/sexual/excessive torture roleplay or themes


  • If you need elaboration on this rule you probably need help. Pregnancy RP Is included in this.


  • Characters who are heavily defined by and have most of their traits/focus based on their sexual orientation or sexual themes in general are also not allowed.


  • Dont make things weird.



13 - realistic roleplay


  • Character actions and reactions should reflect that. Players should also never ignore other players trying to engage in active roleplay. Try to include others as much as you can!


  • respect the world! leave lore/named items and people's graves undisturbed, and try to preserve an immersive environment for the next survivor to find after you.


  • While a player is logged onto the server, every action they take is considered an IC action unless there is some sort of game malfunction.


  • only use the looc chat for coordinating RP or troubleshooting. Please keep idle chat out of it. us the OOC discord channels to shoot the breeze.


  • logging out to avoid deaths to zombies and other PVE threats due to the player's or other players actions is not allowed



14 - Metagaming/powergaming/sporting RP


  • We consider using any information gathered from outside the game and used in game as meta gaming. This includes using discord (except for the limited ic resources in the ic radio transmissions channel) to coordinate actions and events between players.


  • All character interaction and development must happen inside the game in real time. All communication between characters must happen in the game or ic discord channels. IC Coordination over voice chat is not permitted. The only exception to this rule is if all parties are actively fighting zombies.
  • Any coordination for pvp must happen in game and in character. All things affecting character decisions must happen in character. It is ok to plan and coordinate things ooc but it must be played out in character as well! (this rule is in place to keep character development organic, keep playing fields level, and make a more dynamic world for players to roleplay in.)


  • Powergaming is subjecting players to scenarios where they don't have any choices or options, and includes subjecting players to mechanics that don't exist in the base game. Such as deadly traps that rely on ooc mechanics, forcing injuries on someone that doesn't exist in the base game with text actions when they don't agree to them.


  • Power Gaming also applies to groups/factions/players trying to dominate other players via game mechanics instead of active roleplay. Any roleplay that involves out of game mechanics needs consent given from all parties subject to them. Remember this isnt a competition and is supposed to be fun for everyone. Always think of your fellow players and community members.


  • Using game mechanics to hinder plausible RP/or to gain the upper hand in an unfair/unrealistic manner in an RP scene is also frowned upon. A good example of this is one player telling another to drop all their guns. the victim pretends to do so but keeps a gun in their inventory as the player giving the demand has no way to know/verify. Be a good sport in every RP encounter you find yourself in, and go with the roleplay happening. do not hide behind game mechanics to get an unfair advantage.



15 - character  Rules


  • Characters that are real notable people, pop culture spin offs, celebrity characters, mentally handicapped characters, and characters underthe age of 18 are not allowed.


  • We seek to tell the stories of ordinary people turned extra ordinary by being one out of the ten people on average who survived the Knox event. Character backstories must also align with the games official lore and realistic dates. While we do allow more creative freedom with the types of negative trait characters players can play they must refrain from using offensive / TOS breaking language and must be serious.


  • we allow players to play bigoted/prejeduced characters, but slurs, iconography, symbols, or any other real world material is not allowed under any circumstance


  • Meme / Joke characters are not tolerated under any circumstances. all characters must plausibly be able to exist in 1990's Kentucky.


  • A player may only play one character at a time. no alternate characters allowed if a character wants to "retire" or have a character leave the county, they must submit a ticket and to go to the county line. once the character has left a dice will be rolled to see if the character has survived canonically 1=death 2=survival. a retired character may not be brought back into the county. A player can not canonically have their character leave the county without admin assistance. A players new character can not have any ties to the old character, and can not use any information learned through the previous character.


  • Players actively playing a character need to have that character name in ( ) attached to their discord nickname in the server.



16 - permadeath/revives


  • each account generated for a Character will have 3 lives to lose, with the 3rd death being the final death. If a player is killed in PVP they may not revive even if they have lives in their bank. A player will have to submit a screenshot with their prior stats if they want them reimbursed after reviving.


  • it is the players responsibility to prove a death was a jank/glitch if they wish to have a revive reimbursed.self testimony is not enough and evidence is required.


  • after a character dies, the players next character can not have any ties or relations to previous characters they have played, or use any knowledge their previous character had


  • a player and their new character must avoid the locations, factions, and safehouses their previous character knew for 72 hours (3 days REAL TIME) if the previous character died to PVE means. If they died from PVP/hostile rp the time is increased to 168 hours (7 days Real TIME). returning to your last characters body for loot is also forbidden.


  • if a player dies from a vehicle crash, or falls in a non dangerous situation, they will be eligible for a free revive - however moderation will roll a d20 to see how severe the wounds will be that are applied after the revive. 1 is very severe and 20 is very light. this does not apply to pvp involved situations.


  • A player may only play one character at a time. no alternate characters allowed


  • we have these rules to promote players not playing with the same people over and over, while also making character deaths have weight. use your new character to explore new areas, meet new groups, and make new friends in the community!

16.5 - second wind clause


  • If a player is killed in active combat with another player, If moderation deems it plausible / grounded in reality a player may request to roll a dice to see if their character has survived otherwise fatal wounds. If a player is executed or killed in a manner along those lines they can not be eligible for a second wind roll.


  • Moderators will decide if the request for a second wind roll is plausible/realistic or not on a case by case basis.


  • Players are not allowed to powergame other player's Deceased characters to purposely deny them the chance for a second wind in a combat scenario. (Other types of RP deaths such as executions or similar situations are not covered by this.


  • A player may only roll for a second wind if they have lives for their character to spare.


  • the dice roll for a second wind clause is a d10. If a 1-4 is rolled the character remains deceased. If a 5 is rolled a player must roll again. if a 6-10 is rolled the player's character survives, with more severe stipulations granted the further away from 1o the succesful roll is.


  • administration may add additional terms for a character's revival if they deem it neccessary.


17 - All construction and crafting will be subject to realistic standards determined by the administrators.


  • If something is deemed to be unrealistic Administration will reach out to work with the player before actions are taken. bases should do their best to mirror realistic construction and minimalist in nature.


  • please try to keep player constructions small as possible to help with performance. places that grow to large may face more environmental threats than other places.


  • using container objects/furniture pieces as wall or barrier is not allowed. any constructable object that has the ability for items to be stored in it falls into this category. Temporary barricades usings furniture items is fine however.


  • To keep long term world immersion, you will not be able to build giant fortresses or castles made of two by fours and planks. Use the ruins of the now dead world. large constructions over water are also prohibited (no multi level houses or giant piers/boardwalks. no vehicle parking either)



18 - No loopholing


  • Attempts to get around these rules using semantic arguments of their wording, instead of honoring the spirit of their intention will be dealt with accordingly.


  • It is impossible to articulate rules for every situation, but attempting to bypass them by technicalities will be overruled at moderator discretion.

player vs player RP rules

 19 - Initiating/starting a PVP scene


  • in order to initiate a hostile RP/pvp scene, all players in the instigating party must be SSR PVP certified. IF A PLAYER IS NOT CERTIFIED THEY CAN not BE INVOLVED WITH STARTING a hostile scene.


  • any player may violenty defend themselves, and friends without being SSR PVP certified. (Any attempt to use this as a loophole around the pvp cert will be dealt with harshly). All standard PVP rules need to be followed while defending ones ones self or friends.


  • Players with their PVP system engaged can be killed by other players (who also have their PVP system enabled) at anytime.


  • Players are not allowed to log out of the game to avoid hostile interactions with other characters.


  • Demands and Threats need to be crystal clear and defined, with the consequences of non-compliance known for them to be valid. Tricking others into non-compliance in a quick manner is not allowed.


  • Compliant characters can not be killed unless the criteria for the following exception is met.


  • A compliant character can be killed if there are historical acts of non-compliance / a history of violent actions with all parties involved over time. Mean words are not a valid reason. Only a history of physical violence towards friends/family or other demands not complied with is an acceptable reason. A compliant character must receive an adequate amount of RP before being killed. (This is the one exception that allows a compliant player's character to be killed.)


  • Players MUST turn their PVP systems on BEFORE initiating any violent/threatening actions like giving demands/threats. or taking any sort of violent defensive measure. The PVP symbol is a universal symbol of violent intent, and replaces the need to emote your character's intent to other players/characters.


  • Any character killed in a PVP situation is considered permanently killed, unless its friendly or accidental crossfire. In the case of friendly / crossfire deaths, free revives will be given and the victims will be wounded in accordance with the roleplay that happened.


  • the goal of hostile rp is to promote a fair, free, and sporting way for hostilities to occur, with both protections for the agressors and the victims, while leaving them both more than one option. any loopholes exploited in these rules that violate the reasons we have them will be treated as a rule break. hostile rP should be engaging for everyone involved. Being a good sport and respectful to your opponents goes a long way to maintaining a healthy environment for all to play in.



 20 - base raiding, thievery / robbery, and safehouses.


  • In order to violenty rob other players with the threat of violent force, a player must be SSR PVP certified, along with all other party members/instigators.


  • While violently robbing individuals, Only Vehicles, Weapons, Backpacks/bags, Armor and small non clothing items (like jewelry or other non lore/named trinkets) can be taken from players. Any other items will require consent from the victim. Stripping the player of the majority of their items is not allowed. Named Lore items are also not allowed to be taken without consent. (unless it is in one of the unprotected categories aside from small non clothing items).


  • Robbers/bandits are not allowed to violently target the same safehouses/settlements repeatedly, and must wait 7 days inbetween Violent raids/interactions on the same safehouse/settlement and its occupants. this does not protect the occupants unless they are close by or in the vicinity of their settlement or safehouse. anyone out in the world at large can be robbed at any point in time for any reason.




  • safehouses are in a protected state 24/7, Players can DEMAND access to a safehouse in game through hostile RP, and it is up to the defender to decide to comply or not. If the owner is not available and the victim consents and admin can add the instigating party to the safehosue for the duration of a scene.


  • if a player wishes to raid a safehouse, they must figure out how to do so through active rp purposes, such as engaging the members/owners in hostile Rp


  • custom safehouse zones may be granted or expanded, but they will not exceed any area not walled off from the outside world. custom safehouses may also not exceed a 40x40 tile area (existing structures/walled off areas in the existing world may. loopholing this by getting individual safehouses per group member will not be allowed)