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Dedria Rosario: Beginning, Middle and End.

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2024 2:43 pm
by Dancingsaxes
Born and raised in Brooklyn Dedria was used to avoiding seething masses of humanity. It was easy to keep you head down and keep moving in the city. But once the event started the streets became dangerous. Not a stranger to walking long distances she quickly realized it was time to head south.

Unfortunately, living in a city she didn't have much experience in driving a car. She quickly packed a bag and stepped cautiously out of her apartment. So she did what anyone would do and start walking south. The north was too cold and many were leaving there anyways so she followed the crowd.

After over 2 years of wandering southwards, sometimes with others but mostly alone she came upon Knox county. A pleasant change in the climate and scenery but the undead were moving at a much faster pace than any before. Taking refuge at a church she met with a gentleman and together they ran towards a bridge. Luckily a car passed them by with a woman named Chole in it. She then took them to a place called New Haven.

Riding in a car for such a distance was an exciting thing. But pulling up to the gates of the United Coalition was completely another. Never in all her travels had she seen anything so grand. Chloe gave her a quick tour and set her up in a BEAUIFUL apartment overlooking the parking lot. After learning there was an upcoming battle she quickly got armed with some weapons found in her new place and started practicing her shooting. Having never used a gun before due to the noise and how hard it was to find one with regular access to ammo she had a lot of work to do.

After a wild time in the bunkers word was that the community as a whole was to be evacuated. After a brief discussion with Janitor Leroy she was given the keys to the kitchen. Never one to shy from a challenge she started to gather any knowledge should could on cooking for the massive compound. She then met the head chef Alveron. Together they cooked many meals and he also gave her advice and free reign to cook on her own while he was elsewhere to further her skills.

Evac day arrived and it was time to transport all the food and ammo gather on an run into the Wilds to the airstrip. Once the plane showed up she decided to stay behind with the first trip to ensure many of the longtime residents, including her mentor Lerand, made it aboard. Working with another Scottish girl they protected the fence line from the undead. When the second plane arrived she was safely taken to a halfway point before heading to Alaska.

Arriving in Alaska was a completely new experience for her. Whereas most of the Knox Country residents knew one another and fell into roles with friends easily she didn't have those connections. So she just fell into what she knew and worked with Lerand in his kitchen to continue her studies in the culinary arts. Too many years on the road however caused her to become restless and she would find excuses to leave to compound to look for ingredients and other things to bring back to the restaurant.

One day a group of travelers came through talking about heading down the coast to see what the world looked like. After talking with them she resigned her position at the restaurant and packed her bags once more. Acting as a cook for the group she earned her way as they made it down to western coast. She eventually found an abandoned house boat to call for her own while in San Diego. With a safe, stable home and the freedom to explore she was finally content.