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Steven's Journey

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2024 3:21 pm
by fidel
Steven was many things. A man, a park ranger, a husband and more.

Till the end of the world happened. After that horrid day, Steven became many different things. A survivor, a wanderer, a loner.

But worst of all, he became lonely.

Coming from the state of Ohio, Steven wandered into Knox County to gain some amount of closure, as it was the last known location of his wife, who he knew deep down in his heart, though he wanted to deny it with all he could, was dead. One of tens of thousands wandering the county, a husk of what they once were.

Having been dropped off by a nice pair of travelers in the town of riverside, Steven soon met a man by the name of Mike Sallyman, a seemingly nice guy, a survivalist, who dropped him off at the gates of a place called Coastal. Steven would wait outside those gates for a few hours waiting to be let in, wanting to at the very least talk to somebody, but alas his patience could only last so long. So he took matters into his own hands and walked.

He walked for days, wandering through forests and deserted streets dodging the undead, where eventually he would come across a hall in the wall that stood tall, that had once separated the city of Louisville from the world.

Unknown to him at the time, these holes were usually places infested with the undead hordes, so he was incredibly lucky that he was able to easily sneak in.

He traveled for another day or so, still on foot to get deeper into the city of Louisville, determined to find his wife, and get closure. His journey would take him to the Grand Ohio Mall.

Before he made his way to the last known location of his wife, Steven cleared out a decent sized apartment building that was directly across the street from the baseball stadium. A undertaking that he would deal with more than several times clearing out the zombies that seemed to keep coming out of the stadium and the surrounding areas.

It would be about a week later since he set up a safehouse of a sorts in Louisville where he thought he was ready to undertake the Grand Mall. So he set forth with a car he was able to find a key to, that was in decent working order.

So he drove to the mall, dodging the husks of settlements long abandoned and overrun, and hordes unlike, till he got to the mall. Upon arriving, a dense fog had settled in giving Steven a deep sense of unease and dread. Nonetheless he moved in, finding a hole in the east side of the mall and making his way in.

To both his relief and unease, the mall was practically empty, save for a few zombies, so he began to look around the mall. Taking things he would find use for, guns, ammo, food and clothing. Soon he made his way to the second floor, not seeing any signs of life or the undead, though as he walked through the stores, he heard the sound of a door banging in the back of one of the shops. Something in him told him to investigate further, and so he did with caution in every step he took. Upon reaching the back of one of the stores and standing before the door the sound was coming from.

Holding a weapon in one hand and the door knob in the other, Steven opened the door for a sight that would haunt him for months to come.

His wife, lunged for him, and through years of survival instinct took over, he killed her. He knew it was his wife, not because of her face or the clothing she wore, but because of the ring and necklace that clung to what little skin there was. The necklace he gifted her for their first anniversary and the ring he gave her when they got married a few years prior.

It would begin to rain as Steven began to dug her a grave on the embankment of the Ohio River. A good thing to hide the tears that would run down his face for hours without stop. He buried her with the necklace he gave her, so that a little piece of him would stay with her, and keeping the ring, so a little piece of her would stay with him.

He sat beside her grave for an entire day, lost in memories and sorrow. He always knew this was the end of their story together, but the last little bit of hope in his heart crumbled, bringing out years of built up sorrow and loneliness.

When he finally gained some semblance of composure, Steven returned to his safehouse, and began to pack. He could not bare being in such a city anymore where memories would push down upon him constantly. So he left, and made his way to a place called New Haven. Having heard of it over the radio.

So he walked, ran and drove leaving the city of Louisville behind him. Eventually coming upon New Haven, where he chatted with some of the members , resting in the vistors area for a few days. Having gone out to forage for some wild plants, he returned to New Haven, unknowing that his life was about to change.

A few hours after returning to the base of the group called UC, a horde of immense size that Steven had never seen before had emerged from the long overrun checkpoint that was once the proper way into the city of Louisville. Steven would help in its defense of New Haven, expending all his ammo for his guns, and resorting to holding a machete and flashlight, providing light for those who had ammo left for their guns.

Alas the hordes of the undead proved to be too numerous and they soon broke in through the walls of the place. Steven and others were forced to retreat into the deeper part of the UC compound, many making their way to the roof of the compound. Steven alas, was nearly cutoff and made a daring decision to go out into the overrun parking lot. Steven at this point was in autopilot, adrenaline pumping throughout his body, Steven would run in and out of the seemingly endless horde of zombies, distracting them as the members of UC, took advantage of the situation, and began to shoot into the mass of undead.

Steven would run in and out of this horde for what felt like hours, narrowly avoiding death with every step. Steven cared not for his own safety, giving the others even a second more of time was all he cared about. If death were to claim him that day, he would've been happy. Dying a possible hero and getting to see his wife again.

Alas, death would not claim the man, as UC were able to push back the horde, and began to thin its numbers. It would be a few more hours before the compound was once again safe. Steven would collapse in the parking lot, exhausted as he began to come back to his senses, the last bits of adrenaline, leaving his body.

It would not be till much later, after people were accounted for, injuries checked and managed that Steven would be approached. A man named Simon would approach Steven, would give him a suppressed MP5, as a reward. Steven nearly declined but decided it would be rude to do such a thing. So he accepted the reward and made a bit of small talk for a bit. The two went about their ways and Steven walked back to the parking lot and began to clean up the numerous corpses that littered the compound without a word.

He would do this for hours on end before once more collapsing from exhaustion. He would wake up the next day and would soon inquire about joining UC.

He was easily accepted into their ranks, already having proven himself the other night before and his friendly attitude. He would soon begin to learn about some of its many members. Leroy, Joshua, Simon, Lacey, Chloe, Christina and more

A few days would pass as Steven settled in, getting used to his newfound situation. He would soon be joining the others on resupply runs into the city of Louisville, that of which he was nervous to return to, but buried the feeling deep down.

He would on one of these loot runs direct his new friends to his old safehouse, keen to bring back some of the items he left behind. That after which he got what he wanted to bring back with him, told them they were free to take what they wanted.

They returned with full truck beds full of numerous items that would aid the compound. Barbed wire, food, ammo, guns, and more. Steven was happy to feel like a part of a society again, yet deep down, he was still lonely. Hiding this feeling behind an eagerness to help out when he could, just honestly thankful for the opportunity to not be left alone with his thoughts.

These loot runs would happen a dew more times, where eventually during one of these loot runs, Steven would come to terms with just how dangerous the holes in the wall could really be.

What seemed like thousands of zombies, were starting to pour out of the narrow hole in the wall, Steven was cut off from the others he traveled with. He made the decision to call in over the radio what was happening and began to run back to the compound. Upon getting halfway there, a large vehicle began to speed in his direction. A military vehicle, an APC, was on the way to help. Driven by at the time a UC member he hardly knew, one Christina Thatcher, and accompanied by Lacey.

They stopped and Steven was able to get in, helping direct them to where the others were. The three of them dismounted and began to help clear the area of the massive horde, making their way to the hole in the wall, where the others that Steven was originally with, slowly being backed into a corner. With their help, they were able to kill the remaining zombies and bring everybody to safety.

Having hitched a ride back into the APC, being once more driven by Christina, who he had never met before, began to make idle chit chat with her.

Unbeknownst to each other, both of their lives were slowly changing.

Soon after returning from the wall, the two sat in the parking lot, Steven listening to Christina chat for literal hours. He sat there simply simply listening to her talk, content on hearing her speak. Listening to the stories the woman told him, asking his questions when he thought it was possible without trying to be rude. The two sat there talking and listening through even an entire rain storm.

Steven was simply happy to not be alone. He always was a good listener.

Soon the two parted ways as they both needed sleep. But they soon found each other again and again, talking and spending time with each other for sometimes days on end. Steven was starting to feel happy again.

The two would go out and do the occasional thing, Steven would cover Christina as she went about and scrapped some cars in good condition, making idle chit chat, while Steven kept an eye on her, making sure nothing snuck up on her.

When the two weren't together, they were talking over the radio near constantly. Talking about things and what they were doing. The two were near inseparable it seemed like.

Nonetheless the two hung out more and more, watching movies, opening up about some of their pasts and just enjoying their time together.

It would be one stormy night where the two were watching terrible movies, that Steven began to feel something he hadn't felt in over two years.


Christina was slowly mending the hole in his heart, curing his constant feeling of loneliness. He swore to himself, though it was albeit somewhat selfish of him, to protect her with his life.

Days would pass as the two kept hanging out, Steven would only feel more and more certain in his feelings.

One day Steven left to go out foraging for herbs and food when he called Christina over the radio. She was asking all sorts of things, what he saw, what he was looking for, and got all excited when he said he saw a cat.
It was those tiny things he grew to love about her. But he noticed something as well.

She would always ask a question, as if to convincer herself more than anything.

"You're not gonna leave for like two months and never be seen again or leave for a short time and then suddenly show up and be different are you?"

He always told her, he would never do such a thing to her, but everytime he heard it, his heart broke a little.

She was lonely too, yet the both of them lived in a compound full of people.

So he returned shortly after, going straight to Christina. It probably didn't help she told him she had what was probably a bomb or something in her head but details am I right?

Returning to her, he questioned her about the thing in her head, to which she divulged some information about it and some context around it.

Steven loved her with all his heart, but she really liked to keep things close to her chest. Not that he could blame her, she's clearly been through a lot.

They talked and talked for hours like they normally did, but this was different this time. Steven felt it was time. He couldn't not say something after learning such terrible information. He told her he loved her, in his own silly way.

But he nearly cried when she said she returned the feeling. He hugged her for what felt like hours.

Things were going fine for a time, they talked and hung out when they could, but of course things wouldn't last forever. The UN kept raising a stink and the survivors of Knox County were rallied to fight. Steven was of course worried for Christina, but took comfort in the fact she was mainly sticking to her beloved APC.

As the survivors slowly pushed into the compound, Steven was knocked out by a bullet to his helmet, which thankfully deflected off his helmet. The two soon reunited and embraced each other in front of the elevator that would soon lead into a bunker.

After the events of the bunker, Steven's heart was filled with worry. The zombies were stronger, faster, and more numerous. He was concerned with his and Christina's safety. But thankfully news of evacuation came in over the radio and Steven's hope was reignited.

The two would travel to the Settlement called The Village. There they would comfort one another and express their concerns with what was happening. The two soon got a guest room and slept the night away.

Steven would wake up alone, and overheard on the radio Christina and a man named Xyre conversing with each other heatedly. Xyre was the cause of much of Christina's pain and trauma it seemed like and wanted to end it once and for all.

Steven wished she brought him along but alas life isn't a fairy tail. So with reluctance after learning she was already there, he stole a truck and began to drive as fast as he could to Coastal, heart and head filled with concern and worry.

He arrived and soon found a man named Shrew, an old acquaintance of Christina's he found out. The man lead him to the area in front of Coastal where Christina was exchanging blows and strikes with a man, he could only presume was Xyre. He wanted to blow the man's head off and be done with the whole thing but Shrew held him back. It was not his place to get involved, it was something these two had to settle themselves.

As the fight went on, Steven grew concerned and called up anybody who was on the UC radio frequency at the time. Thankfully a man named James answered and would soon be there.

Steven's heart was at its limit, as he watched Xyre completely destroy Christina in combat, and when all seemed lost and he was to lose the love of his life once more, it seemed Christina had a trick up her sleeve.

As Xyre was monologuing about things Christina pulled a gun out and shot the man, killing him. As soon as Xyre's body hit the floor, Steven came running over and began to immediately bandage her wounds.

After he was done embrace her and begin to cry, just thankful she was still alive. With the help of James's they got her into his car and began the long drive back to UC. On the way there, Steven would get a few more glimpses into Christina's past, but that is a story for another time. All he truly cared about was her safety and wellbeing.

So they returned to the UC compound and Steven and James got her into Steven's room. Steven would thank James and sit by Christina the entire time she slept and healed. Not wanting to dare miss the very second she woke up.

And so when she woke up, he was there holding her hand squeezing it gently as they both did to one another. A sign of their love for each other, a sign to tell one another they were no longer alone. So he stuck by her side as she healed and soon it was only a few days before the Evacuation came.

Christina eventually got that surgery to remove the metal from her head as Steven slept by her bedside once more waiting for her to recover. An old friend of hers, named Grug, showed up and gave Steven some insight on some of the things Christina went through. She truly had been through hell and he could only love her more. She truly was a strong and incredible woman. Christina soon woke up and Steven embraced her once more doing his best to help as she healed.

The night before the Evacuation was soon upon them. The two hung out with each other as usual, spending time with other members of UC and some survivors that lived throughout the County. Drinking, eating sweets and reliving memories, the stress of things to come was not at the forefront of anyone's minds. But with all good things, there must come and end.

The planes would be arriving soon and the undead hordes soon upon them. The two would hold their ground with many of the other survivors of Knox County.
Soon the planes arrived and the two would run to the plane taking a seat with others as they held each other's hand. After the last possible person got on, the plane took off and was making a good pace to Alaska.

Steven would find out he hated flying on planes and would spend most of it throwing up in a bag.

The others had a laugh at his expense but he was not annoyed. It was a good distraction from those who were left behind or chose to stay. Soon the plane landed and they were all instructed to an area where they would be debriefed on how things were ran and how they would go about their new lives.

Steven became a scout, though he referred to it as a park ranger, as what he did was similar to what he did before the zombies. Where Christina would go on to work in medicine and healing others.

As they got adjusted to their routine, Steven would volunteer to go on a looting expedition to a nearby town. He and a few others, some he knew and some he would get to know, entered the town. As they went about grabbing things they would need or wanted, Steven had his eyes focused on a bakery. As he entered within, he found the bakery had a freezer that had somehow through the years maintained the food and ingredients inside. He was able to find the very thing he wanted. The ingredients to make a big marble cake, complete with buttercream frosting. His eyes widen in surprise as he stuffs it into his bag and begins to head back to the group he came with.

They regrouped and returned to their new home where Steven at once sought out the help of the local bakery. Trading some ammo and other bartering for their services, who at once got started on making the cake.

A few hours would pass as Steven went about his day before he returned to the bakery and picked up the cake. He was very careful about his return to his and Christina's room.

So imagine his surprise when he opens the door to see Christina on one knee before him with a ring in her hand and asking for his hand in marriage. He would safely put the cake to the side and embracing her in a hug and giving her a deep kiss. Saying yes over and over as tears of joy streamed down his face.

Life for Steven and Christina was great as they soon got married and they would soon have a kid together. A boy they would name Cooper. They would live on and live a happy life together, proving that happy endings are possible in the apocalypse.