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The Bro-tebook

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2024 1:54 pm
by Brodude
I guess this notebooks supposed to be secret or something, but I guess it don't really matter to me.

I believe this is day 26 of living in Coastal

I have a lot to say but to little writing capabilities to say it. I joined the day after **The Massacre** which was pretty weird to see everyone recovering. As i've been here longer the more people I see die and the more I get what I saw. These people are growing on me man, gave me something to live for, and something to die for.

This is all I have to write for now, maybe i'll come back another day.

This update is coming sooner than expected

I had to kill a man named Kurt today. He was infected with the virus. He only told me once he was leaving and I offered him a mercy kill. He suffered from a coma after being bit. He told me before he died " Tell Azrael I'm sorry"


I've realized that nothing really changes here. You just get to know more about how this works. Theres always a few days of peace before an explosion. I'm just trying to defuse it.

Well, I guess the explosion happened, or rather a fizzle. We were attacked out of MillieTown while I was at the base. Many of us were shot including Mike, Marco and Keira. We have no plans of retaliation. Also got into a parking incident. I’m still on edge, we are getting too lucky.

Writing this with immense arm pain! Puties brother just fucked Me up with a crowbar… think I broke some bones, but I deserved it. I dunno what type of man beats someone who can barely walk, but I forgave him the moment he did it.

That Aiden kids nice.. gave me this bracelet.

I killed that dude Harry. He lead me to his house-much like I had did to him. He pulled a pistol from his fridge and managed to shoot me in the legs a couple times. Azrael tried helping me but I sent him to the house. He eventually ran out his home only to meet the hail of bullets from a car-15. I'm sorry for what I did-but if I had to, I would do it again.

Guess since i'm on the way to Alaska or whatever I got some more freetime, might as well write about some of the events that led me here. First person I ever met was Azrael Gonzalez, before he was a priest. We had a small base going but we eventually made our way to coastal, in which I was driven by a "John Ward." I met a lot of my friends, and was introduced by Putie and Lily. There was this psycho ex-coastal dude named Doug, who we had to light up in broad day. He threatened us with a so-called bomb. He deserved it. Something else notable was that complete BITCH Lola feeding me a meat stew (I'm vegetarian by the way!) So of course, in retaliation I had to help Marco bust that bitches door down! They made up or whatever but LAME. At some point all of coastal was moving to twin lakes, in which I eventually followed, only to be brought back momentarily by Aiden Pearson. Aiden was a good kid, and a damn good mechanic. We spent a lot of time together, whether it be movies or long drives, but the feelings were obvious. One day I was radioing em and he just.. never responded. Lily gave me some confirmation that he died. Bummer... wish I could've played my cards differently, but it's too late for that. I also might've punched Putie... a lot. I also fucked up Harry's face for snitching, a decision i've come to regret. And I guess after that it all fell down.. especially after the UN raid. Keira,Lily,Aiden,Ruben,Nova and many more of my dudes were killed. But Lauren's death affected me the worse. While I was at her grave Harry led me to his house and made the attempt on my life. But y'all know me. Anyways, I should probably stop writing about this and do some shit to write about next.

-From A Dude In The World.