Catriona Lapis Cion

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Trinity Azure
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Joined: Sun Jun 09, 2024 4:07 am

Catriona Lapis Cion

Post by Trinity Azure »

A rather out going sports lover. Before the world came to an end, Cat's world ended much sooner. When she was 13 she was being trained by a coach, his name was Kelvin Harrison. He just joined the force and had a weird obsession with Catriona. He pushed her and pushed her. She would keep up with it the best she can, but ultimately couldn't.

One day, a fast moving storm landed in Knox mid November. It was cold, and brutal. The coach cared not, tucked in his car, protected he yelled and yelled. She kept going, and going. Eventually after 2 hours of running she collapsed on the ground, obscured by a bleacher set she laid there. She laid there for 20 minutes before the coach realized something was wrong. He rushed to her and found her laying their breathing heavily. Unbeknownst to him, he had just given her pneumonia. This would begin the end for her achievements. It would not however kill her good spirit.

She kept pushing to see the next day, finding medicine, taking pills, loving life. She refused to let the sickness consume her. Then the fall came, she was in her house with her sisters, her best friends. A knock rang out across her door, indicating trouble. Rocco, he was there to make amends, and amend he did. His baby sister was delighted to see him, happy, and charismatic.

Pearl confessed her feeling after a zombie nearly took Cat's life. A single shot rang out, and pearl saw her life flash before her eyes. "I love you" She said, Cat confused smiles and said "I lvoe you too". Pearl shakes her head "No like love love" and that cemented it. Cat would build pearl a mansion, and Pearl would help in everyway. They spent every day together. Pearl would be adamant on keeping her away from Romano Ranch. "they'll be the death of us all" Cat just wanted to have her friends, she would continue to argue with Pearl. Their relationship would get rocky, and Katy would push against Pearls choices. Pearl would go over the top when Cat gave her an ultimatum, "learn how to treat me better, or i will never come back". Pearl lost her cool finally, and cut herself up begging for help. Laina, and Rocco helped bring her down. She would then make a choice that would end their relationship forever.

Pearl died, this set cat off, pushing her into the arms of Katy. Where she'd find comfort. Katy would ultimately be her saving grace, the love in the dark for her. She was just like her mother Amber Cion. Katy we everything her mother was, even shared a birthday. Cat trusted this women immediately, and forever. Katy would keep Cat alive and happy for many months.

Everything went smoothly, until she would meet a man named Aiden, Cat would fall amour for him. She would spend every day with him, and trusted him with her life. Until Cat tried to get Aiden out to make friends. She could tell he was lonely, he wanted friends, so she encouraged him. The day at a party, by the pinball, Princess saw Aiden and went for the kill. Aiden being blind saw nothing, but Cat knew. She knew it was already over. Cat begged, pleaded, cried, and screamed for him to not. Alas, her knowing the future would haunt her. After this, she tried to take her life. With a single shot to the skull she pulled the trigger. Bang, the gun echoed across the homestead. Mino, and Trish were the first two there. They drug her unconscious body from the car. Abe was soon to follow. Abe knew all too well what she had done, and scolded her for it. This proved to be fruitless cause however, and she would lie to him. She never truly let that lie go down, she never fully recovered. She was too scared to tell him the truth.

She would start to heal, and go on a rescue call. There she'd be glad she missed. She met Evan Stafford. Cat just wanted someone to help make her feel safe. What with the UN and the other militaries, the bandits. She wanted him for muscle. So she went out to save him, however, when she saw him struggling, she, saw something within him. She found a goofy man, who made her laugh. Evan found love. Cat wasn't all too interested at first, thinking Aiden was gonna come back. Katy pushed her to move on though, and finally she talked with Evan. On the catwalk, Evan confessed, and Cat shared her fears. Evan however, didn't care, and that's when it clicked for her. He could be more then a bullet sponge for her family. She kissed him, and they shared passion unlike any she had known. She smiled, knowing this would be the man she'd spend forever with.

Trouble came when Trish got into an argument with Abe. This caused Abe to have a heart attack, and caused the family more pain. Confused, she wanted to make things right. Leave, leave, leave! Her inner voices screams, tearing at her sanity. she cried, balled, and tore her way through the thoughts. She had a talk with Evan, where she told him all her anxieties. Evan stepped up and packed. He was ready to go with his new girl friend. He however, let slip to Katy, hoping to gain insight. Katy talking to her, Abe looking unwell. they convinced her insanity otherwise, and she stayed. This would be perfect timing, for events to follow.

The UN came and pushed her from her home, milled at the thought of control. She moved back to Romano Ranch, where she'd take up residence in a trailer. she remembered and reminisced about times of Pearl. They had a peaceful life here, till, Rosie (Fiona) Cat's baby sister got bit. She revealed this to her, and Cat knew what she had to do. She turns Rosie around, and put two shots from Lily her sidearm. Putting her down forever.

Cat would mourn and grieve. This would hurt her, and her sickness would take her over. She spent the next 3 months bed ridden. She barely moved, she didn't get back out until the raid on the UN. She knew she had to defend her family. Cat would get shot taking 5 rounds for Evan. She would fall to the ground bleeding, wounded, smiling. She was ready to die, but death would not be so forgiving. Evan pulled her out and patched her up. She would live and live happily having helped defend the county.

Cat would gear up, at the announcement of the county being surrounded. She would prepare to defend her family again. She would have a feeling this would be the last. Deep down she knew. They found their way to the drag strip, where the plane would be landing. She would spend a week laying in the car, holding Evan's hand, singing happily. They would rest in peace, the day of the flight. She was horrible, her lungs hurt, she was running a fever, and she could barely stand. She fought the hordes of Knox, and bared her teeth. She dropped twelve hundred dead before they broke the perimeter. Everyone started running towards the plane and Cat collapsed. Fearing the dead she yelled for Evan to do it. He hesitates, and Polly grabbed cat along with Lia. She was dragged her into the plane and laid her onto the seats.

Cat struggled to breathe, her family was out, they landed in Alaska. She knew she could die in peace, no longer able to hold it together. "Do it" she told her family, clutching Evan's hand. Evan abrely able to comprehend it was time, stuttered, he spat. Deep down, he knew. Her duty was done, they could live in peace. "I love you, Outside" was her last words. Evan carried her near lifeless corpse outside, she slumped barely able to hold her head up. She pushes her skull forward, giving him a clean shot. Evan barely holding it together, pulled the trigger. Boom, her misery was over. The disease didn't take her.

Thank you SSR, for the wonderful story. This is my first death in PZ. Ever. I was honored for it to be here. I love you.
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