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Hanky Hank

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2024 2:03 am
by Figment
Hanky was a failed mechanic but found others who could help him and Hanky tried his best to help them back. Each group that Hanky became part of ended up dying all his friends at muldrage warehouse died or killed themselves. Hanky hoped that things would be different at Novac and for a long time it was but with the LVPD and the bandits his group slowly started to fall one by one. Hanky hoped that once we moved to UC things would get better, and they did but not for Hanky's group. Three of Hanky's friends went missing and the other Hanky found dead in his room. Hanky was left all alone again.

While Hanky was able to wipe out the LVPD and many bandits group, Hanky failed to keep his friends. Hanky tried his best to mingle with the others at UC but Hanky found it hard since he did not know anyone there. Everyone who spoke with Hanky thanked him for what he did at LVPD but at this point Hanky forgot about that incident hoping to forget about all the people he killed and the people who died for him. Hanky was filled with guilt but had no one to speak to it about so Hanky decided to run and run and run. During his stay at UC he met a lot of good people. Hanky met chloe who gave him a sandwich, Hanky met Leroy who he could speak with about his issues and Hanky also met Lacey who also got him a sandwich these are just some of the people Hanky met but everyone he spoke with at UC was nice. Hanky started to replace all the bad memories that he was forgetting with good memory's ones that he hoped he would never forget. But Hanky realized that even though UC was filled with kind people there were bad people who wanted to take advantage of them. Hanky was told that someone called Fitz broke Chloe's leg Hanky wanted to help chloe since she fixed Hanky's leg a lot and has also given him a sandwich. Hanky was not able to deal with Fitz himself since Hanky had a broken leg so he decided to hire a group called Kat to capture/kill Fitz.

But the thing that Hanky has for ended up leading to the death of all of Trash town Hanky did not mean for this to happen. Hanky decided to tell the leaders of UC since he realized what he did was wrong but they forgave Hanky and after that Hanky realized he finally had a home that would not fall apart. Hanky gave to UC everything he could hoping to repay them for the kindness that they showed him and Hanky thought everything would go well but then Hanky and everyone was asked to visit Tassel town. Hanky was told why he and everyone was going their was to open up the football. Hanky was happy since almost all of UC was together in one place but it was a struggle to make it to Tassel town. Once their Hanky was hoping that we would have time to rest after we open the football but the second we did we heard a loud sound and started to hear helicopters. Hanky picked up the football and started to get out with everyone else but suddenly some random guy came down a helicopter rope and asked for the football. Hanky hid the football under his shirt since he thought it was a french person tricking Hanky but everyone told him to give it to him so Hanky did. Once Hanky and everyone escaped Tassel town and made it back to UC we had time to rest but not long.

Hanky and everyone were resting and things were slowly going back to normal but then on the radio we heard of a military base that was set up in the woods. So Hanky and everyone started to make their way there and when we found it, it was full of dead American soldiers and had information about a French base. So all the groups put aside their difference's and worked together to set up the FOB so that we can plan something Hanky was busy getting ready all the ammo and his APC so was not able to help all that much with the plans. But Hanky and everyone drove down and got ready to attack the French base Hanky was hoping that after this Hanky and everyone could go back to their normal lives and he can continue to collect Rocks.

Hanky was the driver of one of the APC's so he was the first to drive up to the checkpoint Hanky saw everyone working together to take down the French and Hanky was confident that none of his friends would die. Hanky probably should not of been the driver since he never passed his driving test and ended up crashing a few times but no one died in Hanky's car atleast. Hanky was not able to help all that much until the end since he was focusing on driving but once Hanky and everyone got into the building Hanky went with the group that went right and jumped through a window that led into a hallway(this is me glitching through the wall) Hanky killed a french member but was also shot so he dragged himself to the bathroom and closed the door. Hanky saw the football while going across so once their he informed everyone of what he saw. Hanky wrapped up his foot in a bandage and went back out and killed four more french people. But Hanky was too inquired to go any further. Hanky saw everyone come in and clear the rest of the first floor but once people made their way to the second level they started to die. From what Hanky heard it was just one person with a M60 shooting people and holding a hallway. Hanky did not want any more people to die so he asked Simon the park ranger to come with him and went all the way around the military base. It took Hanky and simon awhile before they found a good spot but once they did Hanky used his M24 to shoot the French guy with the M60 once. Hanky and Simon slowed him down enough for the rest to go around the building and kill everyone there.

Hanky drove back to UC with a few others but was too injured to help with the last raid Hanky stayed home and from what he heard what ever they did it caused the zombies to get quicker and more dangerous. But Hanky heard that others were planning to escape from Knox by using a plane that was coming to pick people up. But Hanky did not want to leave his home so while others left Hanky stayed.
Hanky stayed at UC and waited in the middle of the Parking lot in his APC with the seats full of his friends that stayed with him Hanky thanked each of the Hanky rocks for staying with him until the end and waited for the zombies to tear down UC's walls. Hanky started to mow them down once they did and used almost all of the ammo that he has saved up once Hanky realised that he was all out of bullets and the zombies were still rushing in Hanky went into his Apc and locked the door. Hanky tried his best to drive away but their were too many of them Hanky was not able to drive out. Hanky just now realized that he did not leave a bullet for himself and while filling his Apc with Hanky rocks, Hanky forgot to bring any food or water. Hanky realized his mistake but decided to starve in the Apc surrounded by his Rocks instead of coming out and becoming one of the things that killed his friends.

Hanky pulled out his radio ready to make his last goodbye to his friends but Hanky... Hanky forgot what he wanted to say.