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The Homestead Epilogue

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2024 12:20 am
by Aur3llia
*to be edited later*

Re: The Homestead Epilogue

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2024 1:56 am
by Hawkgirl99
Trish's Ending
The truck engine idled quietly while its lone passenger reclined inside. It wasn't her old eighteen wheeler, but it was a big rig nonetheless. Beggars can't be choosers, as they say. As she relaxed on the side of the empty country highway, her thoughts drifted to her home...
To Kentucky.
Trish had been gone a long time. It was hard to say how long, since keeping track of the calendar day wasn't all that high on her list of priorities. She wondered...did they remember her? She certainly remembered them. She would always remember them.
Evan, Cat, Mino, Katy, Abe, and Rick...her friends- no. Her family. She remembered the family dinners. Cooking dishes for them. Baking as much bread and muffins and cookies as she could shove in an oven. Good times. The best of times, even in the ruined world.
She felt a pang of guilt in her chest. She left them behind. Disappeared from the county like a coward. Would they think she was a coward? Tears clouded her vision, quickly spilling down her cheeks. She loved them like a family, and she left them behind.
But she just couldn't have stayed.
Every minute in that county was a reminder of the home she would never have again. Of the loving husband from whom she would never again feel his warm, tender embrace. Of friends she would never again see. Of a life she would never again live. It was all too much. She had to go.
But she would see them again. That much was clear. Her old CB radio had picked up the odd signal or two coming from the county. Whispers of Alaska. A safe haven. Peace and safety for all.
So she had started driving.
A few days ago she had seen planes over head. Heading northwest. Or at least, she was fairly certain northwest.
And so she promised. A promise she would stop at nothing to keep. She would see her friends again. She would reunite with them.
They would be a family again, even if it killed her.
Trish was halfway there already. Nothing would stop her from making it.
Happy trails, Trish. The apocalypse needs happy endings.

Laina Valentine

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2024 2:04 am
by Joy
-- Laina's Friends --
sorry if i couldnt include you, i rlly only included homestead ppl and ppl laina lived with & rlly cared about, im rlly tired im srry

Cat, Laina’s best friend, was someone Laina knew she could always talk to and who cared about her deeply. Despite Laina’s trauma limiting her, Cat ensured Laina was safe and not exposed to anything that could revive her trauma. She constantly made sure to include Laina when possible, and they shared many deep conversations that only strengthened their bond. From all the people Laina met, she probably felt safest with Cat for this reason. She knew Cat was dealing with sickness and Laina was dealing with her own things, and they both made sure to comfort each other when it helped. Laina truly loved Cat.

Casey, a kind person whom Laina did not have the best first impression with when they first met, but Casey still helped Laina during a bad moment after Casey fired her gun randomly. Although Laina didn’t know her well, she felt Casey was a kind person she could trust.

Abraham, a trusted friend who helped Laina when she was struggling and vulnerable. Initially, she was terrified of him, but he redeemed himself by becoming one of her dearest friends. His kindness left a lasting impact on her and she was happy to know him.

Dallas, a kind person Laina enjoyed speaking to. While she didn’t know him very well, she cooked for him a few timed and enjoyed speaking with him

Trish, a sweet and silly person who invited Laina into her home and gave her clothes despite not knowing her well. Their interactions, though few, always made Laina extremely happy.

Katy, an incredibly kind person who shared Laina’s interest in cooking, which they bonded over sometimes. At first, Laina was distrustful of Katy after she sliced up Rocco’s face, but Laina forgave her as she turned out to be one of the nicest people she’d met. Katy always made Laina feel happy with compliments, and Katy understood Laina’s feelings of inadequacy and how she felt she wasn’t pulling her weight, and she made sure Laina always felt validated and motivated.

Rick, a great friend to Laina, always kind and never treating her negatively. He was a very friendly and kind-hearted person and Laina enjoyed being able to call him a friend.

Pearl, a very caring person towards Laina. She would always comfort Laina and talk to her when she was visibly down. Seeing how happy Pearl made Cat brought Laina joy and made her appreciate her so much more. Laina truly cared about Pearl and was devastated by her death.

Solomin, Laina’s boyfriend and the love of her life. Before the apocalypse they were inseparable and dead everything together. When he didn’t turn up when the outbreak happened, Laina was constantly worried. His contact over the radio made her feel safe again, and when he left her his goodbye note, she felt confused. His departure left her heartbroken, disoriented, and hurt.

Shirin, an intelligent person and Laina’s roommate for some time. They shared interests in fashion and style, and although distant after Shirin moved, they cared about each other and still spoke occasionally. Laina was sad when Shirin left but will always remember her.

Rocco, essentially a brother to Laina, was very kind and understanding. He tried to teach her how to survive in the world, including trying to help her with guns, and taking her trips outside of the farm. Laina cared deeply for Rocco and was devastated by his death – which left her depressed for weeks. She had cherished almost every moment she had with him, including when he did her makeup, made drawings together, found her a machete, and gave her multiple presents. She will never forget Rocco and all he did for her.

Mino, a friend and someone Laina could confide in, was funny and an overall chill person. Laina enjoyed talking to him, and he was one of the few that comforted her during a traumatic moment which Rocco got his face sliced up in the midst of.

Fiona, one of Cat's sisters and a great friend to Laina. Though she didn't know her all too well, she still cared for her immensely and wad devastated by her death.

When Laina heard about Cat’s death, it was as if the world had stopped turning. The pain of hearing her best friend was gone forever was so extreme it almost felt physical. Cat and Laina had always tried to be there for each other, and now she was gone. To lose her was unimaginable. Laina felt an overwhelming sense of grief, guilt, emptiness and regret.

In the first days of being in Alaska, the weight of Cat’s absence was still lingering. Laina felt incredibly lost and alone. What hurt Laina most was the regret she felt for not being there when Cat needed her most. She regretted not being by Cat’s side in her final moments – she hadn’t even gotten to say goodbye or comfort Cat, all due to her being too scared and taking the noncombatant plane instead.

Fortunately, Laina found some stability in her new life in Alaska. She began working hard to rebuild her life, piece by piece, and she managed to find it incredibly healing for her to live in such a peaceful place. She began to attend therapy sessions to deal with her past & the loss of those she loved in the apocalypse. Laina continued to enjoy cooking, sharing meals with her neighbors and those in her community. Laina also frequently visited her beloved friends – who were so close considered family – who were apart of the homestead, chilling with them and playing games, things they didn’t always get to do so much during the apocalypse. Laina sometimes went on hikes in nature there, as well.

Slowly but surely, Laina was discovering a new beginning for herself – a better life.

I would like to just say how much fun I had playing as Laina and how much I loved playing alongside all of you. The experiences and environment we created were truly amazing and I enjoyed every last bit of it. Laina’s story has been such an incredibly profound experience for me and all of yalls characters have made it unforgettable. I didn’t even plan on Laina living this long, I expected her to die early. The characters I met this season were so well rounded and generally all of you are amazing. I’m really looking forward to this next season with my next character! I love y’all and thank y’all so much for having me <3!!

Re: The Homestead Epilogue

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2024 2:10 am
by Pug
*Will edit later*