Christos Vik Chekov (Demitrius)

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Christos Vik Chekov (Demitrius)

Post by Saint »

Name: Christos Vik Chekov
Nickname: The Saint
Appearance: Looks to be around his mid-twenties. His most recognizable feature would be his emerald green eyes and his dark brown hair. He has a series of tattoos spread all around his body. You could spot the subject from a mile away. He's relatively tall, standing at 5'11.


Act I
Chris, grew up in Louisville, born to a Russian couple and raised in a conflicting environment. He found himself involved with petty crime at a young age, taking part in small robberies. This slowly escalated as he grew older, slinging dope around the corners of his neighborhood, slowly poisoning the locals with addicting substances. His actions would soon catch up to him as one day he would be caught shoplifting and as small as this crime was, his appearance would fit the descriptions provided by many witnesses involved in past crimes. He would face time in a juvenile detention facility, not much, but enough for him to make friends on the inside.

He was characteristically charming, sometimes more serious and quiet in nature. He could come off as a calm and articulated person or a loud and not so intelligent man,this act was meant to deceive his many foes. Chris knew how to act, when and to who. This trait would facilitate his path through the criminal world, making a few enemies but many more allies.

Act II
Some would expect for a teenager to change after serving time in juvenile detention but for Chris, this was far from the case. He only worsened, as now he had a made new friends while on his time away from the streets. Soon his friends would also be released from the detention facility, meeting up with Chris and coming together to form a small-time criminal gang. He would be the head of said gang, but he would barely dip his toes into their criminal activities, maintaining a low profile and pulling the strings from behind the curtain

He thrived in this line of criminal work, so much so, that many opportunities came knocking on Christos's door. One opportunity peaked his interest more than the others...the gun trade. Starting off small and investing little time into it while keeping other operations running. He would soon realize how profitable the gun trade was, slowly dedicating more time and resources into it before eventually, his whole organization orbited around it.

A year prior to the Knox event, Chris found himself at his criminal peak. His operation ran like clockwork, his foes were very few and didn't even come close to posing a threat to Chris's organization. He didn't find much joy in the usual spoils of the criminal world like: drugs, money or women....Chris had it all, except for one In a fish of sea, he would only catch rotten or unappealing fish, letting many go without a care.

After many failed attempts at a relationship, Chris found who he thought was the one. A good, loving, caring and beautiful woman, little did he know that she would be his undoing. After several months, Chris would let his guard down for the first time in years. The woman of his dreams would betray him in a final act of self preservation. She would rat on him, feeding him to the pigs in exchange for her own freedom.
The end

Facing trial, he pleaded innocent despite the overwhelming mountains of evidence against him. In trial, he remained smug, putting up a front and shielding his true emotions from the public, facing everything with a warm smile.He was sentenced to life in prison and locked away in Rosewood's penitentiary for what would've been the rest of his life.

Act IV (Knox event)
Chris was able to escape from Rosewood's prison, shortly after the outbreak started. The prison fell and Chris took the first opportunity to flee amidst all of the chaos. A few hours later, he would find himself in Rosewood, where he would spot an abandoned house to hole himself in for what would be a few months, barely getting by with the few supplies he could get his hands on, occassionally venturing out into Rosewood to re-supply.

Once Rosewood seemed like a guaranteed grave, Christos got in the first drivable car he could find and made his way to the city of Louisville. Through previous radio transmissions, Christos was almost certain that Louisville was his best bet, seeing as most people unaffected by the knox virus had settled there. He had a decision to make, go knocking on The UC's door or reach out to Tassel Town, both big and established communities in Louisville.
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