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Xyre Stone's Death - October 19th, 1995

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2024 6:59 am
by Sauron
Xyre Stone. Some knew him as Xy, others as Aurelian, And some as Tyler. While for most people this seemed as if it was a simple name change–an attempt to hide–for Xyre it was a game. When his sister and Andrew had found him in the streets of Rosewood terrorizing innocent people, they didn’t think much of him. His pills that kept him sane, reasonable, would soon have no effect on his broken mind.

The men of Vanguard taught him what it was to be a coward, to be blind and weak as he and his friends robbed them right in-front of them, with no opposition as they feared and cowered away.

The Louisville Reclaimers showed him how easy it was to fall, to be weak. Within days of Xyre's arrival, the group disbanded as their members fell one, by one. So Xyre took their stuff, much like he did with the Vanguard. And all the suicides that’ve occurred… all of them have been laughing stocks to Xyre. Taking your own life made Xyre think of one thin; simple, weak, men.

The Highway Bandits demonstrated to Xyre, once again, how easy it is to kill. To loot. To steal. How little opposition there was in the Southern reaches of Knox County. But after they fell, he saw how poor his image had become. How suspicious everyone was around him. He had no more friends. Andrew, disappeared and his own sister had run off, fearing him. So when the opportunity arose for new friends, he seized it. Manny, Judge, and Mutt had taught him how to treat those that Xyre despised. Grug and Christina were both enslaved just because they were there at the wrong place and the wrong time. And they were treated awfully, being beaten, stabbed, and manipulated for the fun of it. But the NKR also taught him how to lie; to lie for his life. He did it many times during his imprisonment at the castle and the encounter with Christina after escaping. He told everyone what they wanted to hear, and they let him off with his life, severe injuries in some cases, but he was left to draw breath. Oh how easy it was to manipulate. But after the deaths of Judge and Mutt, he wandered the county on foot, lost. Unsure what to do. Many times he had wanted to end it all, but the thought of dying as a weakling kept his mind itching.

Then he met the mighty Caesar and the Iron Legion, who had begun to reside in his old house, North of Rosewood. The Legion taught him how to be loyal and fierce. The Legion shaped him into someone else; he despised women, he despised those that opposed the Legion. Their takeover within the Castle was ruthless, and there, Xyre was taught what it meant to cross Caesar as he was whipped and burned, then being given the name Aurelian the Burned. But he did not leave the Legion, they were his only friends after all.

When his sister killed herself, he was more disappointed than sad. He knew she was delicate, but he didn’t realize she was weak. He didn’t bother shedding tears for her that night, or any night that came to pass. As Caesar went into hiding, Xyre and Filius Marci took matters into their own hands. They began to do horrific things. Kris, a man from Twin Lakes, was imprisoned, enslaved, and beaten… for what exactly? He took one wrong turn on his way home. An innocent man, with little gear, was also stolen from and left to die in the middle of the woods. Xyre enjoyed their pain. Christina’s cry, Grug’s grunts of pain, OSHA’s confusion… But after their releases, he had to please them in some way to ensure that he would have the upper hand in the future. The Strays and Crossroad Traders were given rings and promises, the Twin Lakes were given immunity to the warpath that the Legion intended on taking, and Christina was promised to be left alone. But none of it would come to pass as the battle in the UN facility occurred, drawing in hundreds of undead.

Xyre planned to leave the county. He had nothing for him here anyways, and the Legion was departing as well. But when the opportunity came to kill Christina, he didn’t hesitate. He knew he wouldn’t lose to a 20 year old, short, weak girl… oh how wrong he was. Their fight started off to his favor, inflicting multiple injuries on her and remaining unscathed. Throughout the entirety of it; he believed that he would be the victor. Even after Christina had impaled him through his abdomen, and the soul from him was slowly drifting away, he believed he would win. It was only when the bullet had pierced his heart and he had fallen down, he realized… he’s a dead man. He attempted to reason with Christina, try one of his tricks one last time, but all of his illusions had been too well known. Christina didn’t bother to let him finish talking, and emptied a whole clip into his body, leaving his shredded carcass to rot and be feasted on by the undead.

That was it. He had died to a girl–a subhuman in his eyes–who was half his height, and weaker than him. His overconfidence was his downfall.

The Road to the Reclaimers(Xyre on the left, Dany in the center, Bonnie on the right)

Stay at Coastal(with Grug)

Planting the Bomb Into Grug(Xyre on the right, Grug on the ground, Manny on the left, Andrew is in the military gear)

Tortured at the Castle(with Marla)

Kindness Shown(Shrew on the left, Marla on the right, Old Max at the top, Gilbert at the bottom)

Face Beaten

Encounter with Christina

Marching in with the Legion

Enslaving OSHA

The Caesar Mentors

Slave Fight

Pledging Allegiance

Meeting with the Strays

Teaching a Slave

Fighting Christina

Believing that Victory is At Hand

Begging for Life

Xyre Stone and the NKR Van

Death(Steven top right, Shrew top left, Christina in the middle, Spiffo!)