Peter Wylie's Ending

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Peter Wylie's Ending

Post by Landslide »

"Want to start this off right.. Just not sure how, I'm leaving the county with people I love, I'll miss my Strays, but I'm leaving them in good hands. Its time I took my life in my own hands."

"Its strange to think that if any events of my life where different, then I wouldn't be where I am. If I never met Mia in UC, we wouldn't have gotten together. If I never went to costal, I wouldn't have met my sister Nyx. God rest her soul. If anything was different, then the Strays would never have been founded, the best damn homeless shelter in the county. Just want to say... Thank you Axel you bastard, cause you rejected me from Costal, calling me a Stray, I got to live my life, find love, and purpose in life. Stray safe everyone."
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