Carl Mesh - October 4, 1994

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Carl Mesh - October 4, 1994

Post by Sauron »

February 1994

Doctor Carl Mesh is holed up in the Ekron church, hiding from the undead clawing at the gates. Running low on food and water, he makes a run for it. Sprinting out into the streets of Ekron, he is surrounded, cornered. But not all hope is lost as a man saves him in the nick of time. An unknown person in a mail-van drew the moving corpses away from Carl. He yelled to the man to meet him on the highway, but he never saw the man again. So Carl walked. Eventually he found a somewhat decrepit black car, which he used and trailed down the highway to Rosewood. But the zombies were stronger. They overtook the car and Carl barely managed to get out. He wandered into the forest, his grip on life fading as the cold consumed him. He fell to the ground, lying in the snow. But he wasn’t done. As a zombie came up behind him, he knocked it to the ground with his baseball bat. He began to make his way back to the car, climbing back into it. And as the zombies began to enclose on the car again, it started, and he made his way to Rosewood. Luck seemed to be on his side… not. His car broke down again as he was entering Rosewood but lucky for him, few zombies were around and it seemed as if a person was coming to pick him up. A man by the name of Christopher Quintero.

The Safehaven - March 1994

It was no easy life in the Safehaven. A small shack in the deep woods ran by a single person who had big plans. But Carl would only share a few days with Christopher Quintero before the latter would disappear, and while Carl didn’t assume he was dead for a few weeks, he would come to find out soon enough. On the next day, two men by the name's of Leon Maxwell and Alexander Moore would come by. In these short few weeks, they would build a second house, a shooting range, and had enough wood to build a third home. But all of their plans would be thwarted when Leon invited a person by the name of Terra Wells to the Safehaven for a trade. You see, the trio wanted to keep the Safehaven a secretive community. Realizing this, mid-trade, Leon wanted to rob and kill Terra. Carl tried to stop them but after debating whether or not they’re going to murder her, Alex and Leon ran outside, guns drawn. He was ashamed. Right after their encounter had concluded, Leon gathered all the materials and went far South, by Ekron. Carl put on an Amry Coat, and tied his bandana firmly, he would make sure that no one saw his face again while he was alive. He had found a large farmhouse to the South-west of Ekron. The trio moved there, and Fort Campbell was found.

Fort Campbell - March - April 1994

In the next few weeks, mass-recruiting was done, both forced and unforced. On multiple occasions they held people at gunpoint, telling them that it was either they join or they die. Orville the carpenter was recruited, who began on the walls. A woman by the name of All Mother was also recruited. Around this time, Leon brought back news that the NKR was back and that they were looking for allies. Not knowing exactly what the NKR was, Carl agreed. But he continued to do good. On a stormy night, the UC was besieged by zombies, so he(along with All Mother), went to help out. He met several people such as Benny and Tabitha. That night, All Mother died from the cold(bro went afk). While this loss was heartbreaking to the group, their recruitment operation continued. Andrei, a Russian man and Khazmat, an NKR official came to their aid. Father Lucius Shaw was also recruited. Khazmat was injured so Dr. Mesh made sure to patch up his wounds. A group of people crowded around him in the small bedroom and after the stitching he went outside for a quick smoke. That’s when two guns were pointed at his face by Charlotte and Summer Green. Knowing what they were in for, he shrugged it off, not even drawing his gun as the four to five people inside came rushing outside. Charlotte and Summer were threatened and they made the decision of joining. To prove that they were worthy, they took Carl to their base to pick up supplies, unknownignly being trailed by Khazmat and Alex(they sold and got caught later).

But Charlotte and Summer wouldn’t stay together for long as during a looting run, Father Shaw was devoured by zombies and Charlotte was bitten. After being put down, Carl helped bury the body, completely ignoring Summer, who was sobbing right next to him. During this time, Leon Maxwell was on a trip to Louisville, and when he returned, he killed himself the same day that Summer watched her sister die. While it was traumatic for Summer, for Carl it was a slight disappointment. He never visited the grave of Leon. After Leon's death, Alexander Moore became the new leader and rebranded Fort Campbell into Fort Maxwell in remembrance of Leon Maxwell.

Fort Maxwell - April - June 1994

Post the tragic day, everything seemed to have calmed down. Recruitment continued as usual, the walls for the fort were being built, and Carl’s life was generally calm. Until one day… The day Andrei betrayed Carl and the others. A day of chaos. Andrei, capturing Marla, was locked up after he had confessed to Fort Maxwell about being a spy. He attempted to break out and fight back, so he was gunned down. But Andrei had already told the world everything and a large target was put on Carl’s and Fort Maxwell’s back. That day he spent talking back to speaker’s from other factions, attempting to convince them that they had been miself by Andrei; a passtime that he would come to enjoy.

Everything eventually calmed down, no one really came to Fort Maxwell to harass the group(other than a man named Wyatt, who continuously threatened Carl and his other teammates). Business was calling to Carl in the West and he decided to head off to the West, leaving Summer to be second in charge. During his departure, Chris was tortured and more people, like Anna the Chef, Rico, and Roy were recruited, all people who would bring lots of profit to the group. He spent a week or two in the West, secretly discussing war plans that wouldn’t come to light until many days later. Returning back, he discovered the County angrier than ever at Fort Maxwell. But this did not halt operations. More ammunition and weapons were being delivered everyday from Rico. Two new recruits also arrived. Maya, who was saved from a crash by Alex, and River. Both would end up defecting. Rico also contributed to the discovery of Fort Kamali(also known as Khamali), a tower owned by the Samaritans. After driving out the last living Samaritan, the Kentucky Crusaders, now rebranded, moved into the fortress.

Fort Kamali - June - August 1994

Recruits were slow, but still there; Father Benjamin was recruited, causing the group to finally have, yet another priest. A woman by the name of Dar Mara stumbled across the Fort. She was stripped of her gear and interrogated, before being thrown back out. Life was good. Hot showers, good food, a lot of water, heavy security, and a large armory. This new life was the only time he'd seen Summer smile. Carl didn’t think that people would really hurt him or go after him. He thought he was invincible. That all changed when Carl went out for a drive. He was kidnapped by Grave, a presumed bounty hunter. After being beaten by Christopher and Maya, he was taken to Tassel Town. After taking in the surroundings, he was beaten, and mutilated, causing him to lose his ear. He was then dropped off at Crossroads Mall to die. Within minutes he found a dead survivor with a radio and weapons, and within hours, he was saved. During his absence many people departed such as Alex and Rico, making him the leader of the KYC. Summer often fought with him about who should’ve been in power, but he knew her mental health was deteriorating and that the liability would soon be dead. After fighting the 187th, losing Orville, almost dying, and then going to a casino, Summer finally died. And although Anna went down with her, very few people within the group actually challenged his power. Tensions with Wyatt increased as the man kidnapped and stole from the group multiple times.

So what he decided to do next was to kidnap a blind person with a few soldiers that he had been given from the Western Army, and they kidnapped Squirrel. They took her to Fort Maxwell where they tortured her mentally and physically. Cutting out her eyeballs, beating her, and playing horrific jokes on her(such as giving her carrots which they described as "good for the eyes"). They then dropped her off at March Ridge with a broken leg, leaving her to die. As soon as they got back to Kamali, Carl and a few of his men packed their bags and departed to the Castle.

The Castle and Death - August - October 1994

The Castle was a more lively place than Kamali. More people, and those that he had worked with in the past, such as Kilgore. Carl and his men, being Gustavo and Walter, were the very first guards for the castle. While he was there, Maya and Chris both ended their lives; partially being urged by Carl over the radio. While at the Castle he also made plans to attack and siege multiple groups with the help of an army in the West. During the day of the UN invasion, they all stood on the wall with the other members of the Castle, anxiously waiting for something to happen… Nothing ever did happen. During this time they went down to Jed’s Bed and Breakfast(Jed’s Jed and Jeakfast), where they helped clear out hordes from there, twice. In the final days, Carl gave up. His self control was gone, he thought with the gun rather than with the mind; and his arrogance was higher than ever. They drove up to Coastal’s gates, something that they’ve done many times. There, they saw Wyatt, a man that had stolen from them, kidnapped from them, and threatened them many times. And although the man was turning over a new leaf and restarting with his girlfriend Lily, Carl and his men didn't know; and they wouldn't have cared anyways. The one man he desired to kill the most was right there. Stepping out of the red sports car with Gustavo, they gunned him down in cold blood, before being gunned down themselves. He died laughing, satisfied that he had killed Wyatt. The end.

The Safehaven
The Beginnings of Fort Cambell(All Mother, left; Carl, center; Orville, right)
All Mother's Grave
Rico's(or Raven's) 1/12th Haul
Fort Kamali Shenanigans
Kidnapped(Valetta on the left, Grave/Fitz in the center, Carl on the right)
At the Gates of Tassel(Yuli on the gate, Maya is outside the vehicle)
Fighting a Horde with a Broken Leg
Burying Orville
At the Casino
Kentucky Crusaders Kill-team(REDACTED on the left, Alexander Moore second from the left, Carl in the center, REDACTED second from the right, Jamie on the far right, Gustavo in the front)
Torturing Squirrel(Gustavo on the left, Carl on the right, Squirrel on the ground, Alexander at the bottom)
At the Bed and Breakfast
At the Castle, in front of Marla's abode
The UN Event Guarding
Carl Mesh
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