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Carl Mesh

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2024 6:05 pm
by Sauron
Name: Carl Mesh
Age: About 25
Gender: Male
Height: 5'9'

Childhood: Carl Mesh was born in Ekron, in his parent's home, on August 8th, 1969. His parents were simple farmers, earning little income, and living in a small house nearby their farm. Carl was the middle child of the 5 children that were in his family. His two older brothers, Jebediah and Paul were born in 1959 and 1963. His two younger sisters were born in 1973 and 1977. His father encouraged him to be a farmer like him, but Carl wanted to be a pilot. In his early years he would wake up and go off early morning, every weekend, to try and sell the goods that his family's farm produced. Most often, the little money that he was given to his parents from this were saved and used on small airplane models. He enjoyed reading books about airplanes. For his education in his younger years, he attended a school in Rosewood and excelled in English and History.

Teen years: His father caught cancer when he was 14. This was detrimental to his family as they sold their farm, and many other of their belongings, in order to try and pay for his father's treatment. Sadly, this wasn't enough and his father died a month after Carl had turned 15. While his mother and siblings were sobbing at the hospital, he felt little sadness. Rather he felt disappointment that this disease had such little treatment; and the treatment that was available was VERY expensive. He shed no tears of sadness that day, only anger. He proceeded to try and become a doctor. Whether it was to help others or for his own benefit - as his family had nothing now anymore - is unknown.

Adult Years and the Lead-up to the Outbreak: At Age 18, Carl applied to the military as a doctor. It was there where he decided to learn Morse Code, although he wasn't certain he needed it. He applied to try and pay for college as well as get a bit of experience before going to school. He stayed there for three years and although it wasn't enough, he didn't really care. He would be in debt, but if everything went according to plan, he would be able to pay it off quickly after his graduation. Applying to the University of Louisville, he began his studies there at 21 years old.

The Outbreak: Before the Outbreak happened, he decided to visit his mother at their small shack in Ekron for the summer. His mother had gotten a really awful fever which he believed was just a bad case of the flu. It was unnerving to him though as other neighbors had also began to have high fevers and it wasn't flu season anyways... On July 6th, 1993, he found his mother deceased, but still moving. He put her down by bashing her skull in with a frying pan. While he was in shock, he found himself to be more angry rather than sad-much like he felt about 10 years ago with the passing of his father. He attempted to contact his siblings but no responses were ever returned to him, most likely perishing to this disease just like his mother did.