Marceline (god i sucked at writing back then)

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Marceline (god i sucked at writing back then)

Post by BIB »


Marcy woke up in a church after a night of foraging, she went to her usual fishing spot but got lost on the way and found a castle she was too scared to talk to anyone there so she left... on her travels she found a old compound know as "trash town" While looking for the owner on the radio she met Val a nice lady who said its yours now Marcy was thankful but missed people... the bugs were only fun to talk to for a while.

She went wandering and found costal. A new home filled with new people a fresh start! the first people she met were a lady named Putie and a man named M. They all loved bugs! it was friendship at first sight!

She soon met a man named Ash Hope, She had heard Ash talking over the radio a day prior... he was having a tough time, the people he loved were dying all around him the people he was friends with hated him for his actions, Marcy took an interest in this man... she saw how many pills he was downing and tried to stop him... they later became friends after Marcy's drunken babbling about grass over the radio

Putie Marcy and some friends went on a girls trip out! they went shopping in riverside and planned to go to ekron! They all found cute outfits! They decided to stop at twiggys for the night after hitting up rosewood it was fun! Putie and Shane teased Marcy about her crush Ash all night. they ended up concussed by the hands of Marcy. After Putie went to bed Shane had recovered enough to go on a run with Marcy, during this run they got attacked by a horde and narrowly escaped with the help of Lloyd and Jeanie

When they arrived back at twiggys Marcy and Lloyd got into a argument over the horde, Marcy stepped outside to smoke and a zombie snuck up on her biting her in the ribs. She spent her last few days making new friends and talking to old ones. She finally confessed to Ash and he liked her too it was great! But she was dying. she died to the hands of her friend while on the way to costal.

she never knew what happened to ash
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