Zachaury Grey

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Zachaury Grey

Post by Shroom »

Zachaury Grey

{Before the Knox Event}
Before the Knox event, Zach was kind of your average lawyer, only difference being he wasn't able to full on ruin someone's life for money. He wasn't very known either, but he still was able to pay the bills with just the way he did things. Even before becoming a lawyer, he was really good at talking, and he was smart. Nice and smart kid unlike his other brothers, which one was still unemployed and the other had to go into the military to even prove anything worth of himself. Zach was also a pussy, having the nickname "River" with those who knew him in the past.

{The beginning of the Knox Event}
When the Knox event hit, he immediately went to go find his brothers, Carson and Reese, but afterwards he was chased away by the, "infected..." He ran and ran, trying to find a place to stay safe in, only to be forced to break into someone's home and stay the night. Someone had the same idea, the name of this person was "Roach" though Zach never caught that. They talked and eventually he helped him get a car using his hotwiring skills he learned from his diseased father. He drove around seeing all the sudden chaos and eventually found Carson and Reese. There, they would begin driving all over Knox county, trying to find a place to stay and call home...

{2 Weeks After}
Zach, Reese, and Carson stopped by a few places, first place was in the country side by Westpoint. There, they stayed for 4 days and were greeted by a group of survivors that lived on a farm next door. The Grey's didn't stay, as Carson and Zach formulated a plan to go to the cross roads, hoping either the place had food or a place to stay. They made it, and all they could find was an empty gas station, and a few rats that they cooked up... Some survivors were nearby. Zach wanted to ask for food and Carson didn't want any "handouts." Zach asked anyways, but they had none. The boys kept going, thinking maybe the checkpoint entering LV was still up...

They made it up to the check point, only to find it overrun and abandoned. They couldn't go back at first because of the hordes, so they decided to keep going, eventually entering an abandoned gated community. They stayed for a couple days, Reese and Carson went out on loot runs as Zach stayed behind. It was silent. After the two brothers found more guns and ammunition with a bit of food to last a few days, they went back on the road and went back towards Westpoint. They stopped at a gas station that had fences almost all around it, and the boys thought it would be an amazing place to call home and build up walls and such, maybe other survivors would join them... Over a week later, they ditched the place due to hordes always coming and messing everything up... During that time, Zach was starting to get really good at defending himself, occasionally doing things on his own as the other brothers went on loot runs...

{Ruined Ideas, better beginnings}
They decided to try and occupy a bar in Westpoint, and there wasn't any biters really so it was going great! It would've been better if some survivors didn't just drag a horde there... Speaking of which, that's how Zach met 3 individuals! Vinzent, Simon, and Mouse. They offered him and his brothers a place to stay... Reese was gone by this time, but the brothers stayed just to learn Reese was somewhere out there... Gone... So they went to the camp where they met everyone else... They had a home, a safe place to stay... The first day was wild though, Zach getting into his first gunfight with strangers...

{Zach's New Mind Set}
Zach, after being out there for a long time, had somewhat gotten used to just killing the infected, even gone to realize the infected aren't infected, but just walking monsters that weren't the people they once were. He went on trips outside the camp on his own a lot, succeeding in every single trip except one... But that one he still was able to meet more people, even if they had a gun pointed at his head. During the months of living, he started to become depressed turning to alcohol as his way to cope with the new reality he lives in. He still helped and made sure he was sober when he went out on runs, but after a kids death, Brocks, he got worse... People were worried about him, Simon being the one to notice more... After a bit, he was brought to Brocks grave. There, he realized he shouldn't just let the sadness consume him. Yes, he had a new mindset that people can be just as bad as the dead, but it didn't mean that should ruin his life...

{Carson's way of thinking}
After everyone stood around Brocks grave, almost everyone having something to say, they would all leave except Zach and Carson. Zach was beyond sad about Brocks death, but he wanted to better himself for Brock. Carson wanted to help Zach learn a lesson as it seemed he was worried for Zach's health. Carson didn't like that Zach went out alone, but he never had a way to show why going alone was bad until now. So. Like any Brother would do. He would start talking crap about Zach's past, egging him on so maybe he would submit to what he was saying. He brought up how Zach was just a pussy, and his dumbass will end up where Brock is if he kept going alone. Zach attempted to keep himself from doing anything, basically begging Carson to leave him be, but he had enough and socked Carson in the nose. It hurt him more than Carson, and his brother decided to right hook him, making him fall to the ground. Carson picked Zach up by the shirt and threw him on Brocks grave as a lesson.

{An Ironic End}
After Carson's lesson, Zach went home with a new black eye and no one really talked too him. After a few days he decided to ignore Carson and head out for the group and to get Carson a gift. So, he did. He came back with a rolling pin for Marco, a black umbrella, also for Marco, and with two lawn flamingos for Carson. Afterwards, Carson wanted to go on a run, and Zach agreed to do so. At 4:30am, they drove off into the big city. The place they wanted to hit up first was the police department for magazines and ammunition. There were too many, and Zach proposed the idea to lead the horde away, but Carson wanted to just quickly go in and out even though they left early so they had all the time they could get. He did a shitty job at luring them away and stopped the car where there were hundreds of biters in front and behind. Zach wanted to do his own way, staying silent, but Carson shot his shotgun right off the bat, bringing them all to where the truck was parked. Zach was scared, but he kept his bravery as he pulled his shotgun out, shooting as well... After about a minute, Carson limped away to a parking lot nearby, leaving Zach behind... Zach, trying to look for Carson, panicked and eventually was backed up in an alleyway... He tried to go through a window, but the gunshots drove more biters to his location, hundreds inside the building and pushing Zach back out the window... There... Zach was left to be eaten alive, ditched by his own brother, his yells silenced by the groans of the dead before he was notably finished...
This... Is how Zachaury Grey died...

"I'm better off alone than with others"
-Zachaury Grey
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