Christos Vik Chekov (Demitrius)

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Christos Vik Chekov (Demitrius)

Post by Saint »

The Final Act (Epilogue)
Back when Christos fled from Rosewood and reached Louisville, he settled for Tassel Town, seeing as an old friend of his (Dyre) had reached out to him from said town. Here, he would meet many friendly and mostly welcoming faces. He was willing to do his part for the community and would start off small, working for and assisting the head of security, a man named Mute.

A few months had passed, Christos took over the role of head of security after Mute died. He tried to do his best for his community, being assisted by a woman by the name of Shirin. Soon after, the UN would arrive to Knox County, taking over Louisville and forcing all of Tassel Town to move, including Chris.

Christos said his goobyes and fled the city with a group he had encountered months before, The Homestead. A smaller community composed of fewer people compared to Tassel Town. The group moved to a ranch house in the outskirts of Muldraugh after the UN took over Louisville. Chris would miss out on many important events regarding The Homestead, but would help out only when absolutely necessary.

A year and a half passed and the people of Knox had grown fed up with the UN military over the past year, eventually facing them at their facilities in one last big shootout where The Homestead was one of the leading forces, spear-headed by Abraham Bowman. Chris Assisted in this battle, taking the life of a few UN troops but sacrificing his eye in the process. After the battle took place, the people of knox ventured deep into a bunker that laid beneath the UN facilities, accidentally releasing a variant of the Knox virus.

New Elmendorf Chapter
After the new variant of the Knox virus was released, a group of what seemed like a new established civilian military in Alaska reached out to the Knox survivors, offering safehaven in New Elmendorf, Alaska. Chris barely made it to the final plane, already departing.

Once in Alaska, the adrenaline would wear off and Chris finally, for the first time in three years felt like he could rest in peace. Alaska was a new chapter for him, he felt like he could finally turn the page on this never ending nightmare that was the Knox outbreak. Everything pre-Knox outbreak was pretty foggy to Chris, his criminal doings and the unfortunate passing of his younger brother Demitrius, who's name he had taken. He tried to push all of his remaining sorrow away in Alaska, starting anew. He would eventually drop the name of "Demitrius" and started to go by his birth name (Christos), Demitrius's short-lived legacy would be carried on by Christos in a different way. Like he had done previously in Tassel Town, he tried his best to do his part in this new community, enlisting in the city's military, part-taking in many military operations and rescue missions like the one that saved his life. Through the years, Chris would meet a nice lady and would settle with her as time went by. He would live the rest of his days as a New Elmendorf retired veteran and a Knox hero, surrounded by friends and family.
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