Putie Catootie

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Putie Catootie

Post by putie »

Putie Catootie AKA Pepper Catrona [ESCAPED TO ALASKA]

Putie was a very very troubled woman. From her past as an ALLEGED Eco-Terrorist, her actions led her to being completely isolated from all humans in the deep wilderness of Kentucky. After making her way through the woods for around 2 years, she exited them to find herself at Coastal’s gates

.Putie was someone who thrived on being a part of a community, desperate to form bonds and be included after being so alone. While her personality might have gotten a bit skewed while being isolated for a long time, she was welcomed with open arms into Coastal. Forming bonds with the members there; Lily Jackson, Bob, Axel, Liza, Grug, Oliver, John, ,Alex, Emilia and so many more, she would do anything to protect them.

When the Coastal Massacre happened (Putie chopped off the thumb of a KAT memeber named Leo for killing Gods Vessel her pillbug), Putie inadvertently caused 15 friends she had made over the months to all die in a gunfight. After that night, Putie never once not even now forgave herself for what happened. She vowed to never allow something like this to happen again, and would give up her life to make sure of it. After the massacre she would routinely be drunk, outside with just her katana running around on the highways and swinging at anything that would come near her.

Word of the massacre swept around the county, and this opened the door to Putie meeting many new faces. Meeting one in particular would change her entire perspective on what it meant to be alive, M. When they first met Putie instantly felt like she could trust him, I mean why not? BUG LOVERS UNITE. Growing close over many months, she didn’t realize it at the time but she yearned to be around him all the time. Her friends around her saw this before she did, her best friends; Keira, Lily, Shane, and Marcy.

After a girls shopping trip gone wrong, Shane and Marcy would end up dead leaving Keira and Putie the last ones from that trip standing. Putie was devastated, and her bond with Keira would grow unbreakable after this. Back at Coastal afterwards when saying their goodbyes to Shane and Marcy, and after a few other circumstances, Putie and M took comfort in each other and eventually confessed their mutual love for the other. They got married soon after with just the two of them there, and had a bond so deep they would rarely be seen apart.

Throughout the following months, Putie would go on to make more friends; Broseph, Lauren, Mike, Marie, Aspen, Christina, and more. She even had a chance to reunite with her brother Shep, who she had long thought was dead. Her illusion of unending happiness would soon come crashing down, as she would watch her best friends and friends alike around her start dying. Keira, Lily, Shep, Lauren, Marie, they just kept coming one after the other, an unending fury of blows. She felt like she had no one left besides M, and she would do anything to ensure they would get their happy ending.
In Putie and M’s hundreds of talks while laying on the grass floors of their cabin, they both so desperately wanted to journey to Alaska to see the Northern Lights together. How lucky for them when they would get a free first class plane ticket leading directly to their destination! They packed up important things from their cabin (Spiffo plushies and A LOT of notes they wrote to each other), and prepared to fight. After successfully getting on the evac plane, landing and saying their goodbyes, hand in hand they walked off into the woods. While they were in a completely new area, they were with each other, and that felt like home. Many months of living out in the wilderness together, seeing the sights and the beauty of the Northern lights, they eventually stumbled upon a community and decided to put down roots. M being the professional chef he opened up a sweets shop, and in the adjoining building Putie opened up a plant and flower shop. Both of their shops gave jobs to many unemployed bugs and frogs.

Putie had never imagined she would get a happy ending, especially with as much trauma and baggage as she was carrying. The friends she made along the way, bonds that were forged and broken, and so many tragedies happening one after the other, there was one constant in her life; M. Hand in hand they would be together in the new journey ahead of them, and with a bond as strong as theirs they will be sure to rattle the stars.
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