Katy, Cerri, Rick & Abraham

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Katy, Cerri, Rick & Abraham

Post by Aur3llia »

Katy's Monologue
Katharine Cassidy Hill (February 10th 1967):

Katy looks out the big bay window of her and Rick’s cabin into the dense forest that surrounds them. The warm July breeze comes through the screen and kicks up her long, black hair exposing the sapphire earrings permanently pinned in her ears. Its been a little over a year now since they made it to the Cheyenne Mountain Complex. A year of ‘normalcy’ after years of apocalyptic hell. But was this really normal? Katy never really got to socialize before the Knox Virus… in fact those faces at the Riverside Radio tower were the first people she had seen and interacted with in 5 years. She tried her best to adapt and learn how to live in a world that was dead. Now she’s had to learn to live in a world that was recovering. Like a phoenix from ashes working to repair a world she never knew. Katy kept most of her life story secret from people only 2 knowing the slightest bit about her past. Cerri knows nearly everything but not the finer details for her own sake. But Jackson knew everything. He was the one who understood and loved her for all her scars and the one who pulled her up and recognized her for things others didnt see. He died around 2 years ago now - May 21st 1994 a horrible day she will never forget. Doesn’t make it easier that his birthday is this month. That day, Katy’s life changed forever. For the worse but in one way for the better. Katy picked up Manticore at its lowest, and people viewed her as a leader again. They respected her and because of that she was able to get 18 people out of the hellscape that was Knox. Despite this success, the losses she suffered still haunt her a year later, especially at night when she laid down for bed. On her side table the ashes she carried for months in her backpack keep her company yet haunt her at the same time. Katy would always feel like she was missing something or made the wrong decisions or needed to move on or should never move on… Thoughts and feelings that swirled around her dreams, scars that would take years and years to heal. But having this family of survivors stick together through hell and back and watching her little brother grow up living a normal life… that was the best start she could ever ask for healing. The people around her made life after the virus in Colorado not so bad..

The first few months after arrival focused on getting a quiet place built outside the wire and settling into her new job at the hospital inside the complex. She was never a city person… but she stayed close because of Rick and both their jobs. They settled on a plot of forest land and built a cabin for them. Cerri helped - she wasn't lying when she said she was a master carpenter! It felt good to give Rick a stable place to live and a stable life after all their time together. She couldn't be more proud of him, he went back to school and started studying medicine. Now he works with her as her student, learning just like he did in Knox, only much more controlled and safe. He could finally go to college which was something that the virus had robbed from him. Cerri and River lived close by too, and came over for dinners and game nights often. Cerri runs her own little homestead just like she and Rick do. They help each other with canning and processing produce, farming and sewing. The whole 9. Its like a little family and is very nice to have her best friend right nearby. Abraham also lives close by on the plot of land adjacent to her and Rick. He was able to find his brother’s children and take custody of them. On his homestead, they raise chickens and do carpentry helping others build homes. Abe brings Katy eggs all the time and takes good care of her. Being neighbors they spend alot of time together and his nephews love Katy. She bakes and cooks them meals, tends their clothes, cares for them when they are ill and has taken on the wife and mother role that the trio so desperately lacks. Eventually in 2005 after Cerri passed away due to a gunshot wound, Katy would also help raise Carson and Cindy with River to help fill the gaping hole the loss of their mother left.

Between home and the hospital, having all these people around her and all these people to care for has allowed Katy to fall into the best place possible for this new era. After decades of living under duress, the simplicity and love she experiences these days brings her peace and comfort. She is finally free to live how she wants with the people who love her most as a caregiver, a mother figure, a partner, and a friend. She inhales the summer breeze once more and closes her eyes thinking about all the memories she has made because of this virus. She exhales and smiles, her light blue eyes looking up and blinking back tears of relief, tears of sorrow, tears of joy. Finally free.
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Re: Katy, Cerri, Rick & Abraham

Post by Aur3llia »

Cerri’s Monologue

-Upon arriving in Cheyenne City: March 1995-
Cerri would grow antsy, and wish to follow Katy out of the city outside the wire. She would build a small 2 story house, and would settle in quickly. She would try her hand at farming and would supply Katy with home grown and jarred foods.River would do his best upon arrival to put his past behind him. He would assist Cerri in building their home, and he would slowly heal from his wounds. River would not be able to break his old habits and would roam just beyond the Wire. He would still loot, and gather supplies not trusting the Wire to provide.

-Within the first 6 months: October 1995-
Cerri would organize her wedding for March 1996. Cerri would find a wrecked C6 and fall in love with it. She would begin for no reason searching for a Browning M2. She would steal River's handgun and engrave it into a custom CZ handgun with the assistance of a local GunSmith.
River would accept the gun, and would frequent the Savage lands. He would increase his time away from Cerri, causing her much worry. Eventually he would be injured for the final time in a gunfight with a bandit. The bandit would be attempting to rob River with a knife, and he would be stabbed. River would push the bandit down, and run him over. He would draw his rifle from the back, and attempt to run. Injured, the Scavs would surround his car, and would commence a gun fight. River would be struck once in the right arm.River would manage to use one of the "Cerri Surprises" which consisted of three smoke bombs mixed with low grade explosive pipe bomb. This would ultimately save his life, allowing him to slip out. He bled, finally fleeing back to Cerri. He would once again be rushed to Katy, where he would barely survive, nearly bleeding out. After Katy managed to save his life, she would scold him. Cerri would be incredibly upset, and would make him give up the scav life. He would leave the life of the apocalypse behind, finally leaving his past in the past.

-First Year: 1996-
Cerri and River would have their wedding. She would invite Katy to lead her bridesmaids. She would also invite Will and Piper, and they would attend. This made her happy, seeing him happy. She would build it inside a patch of woods near a river. Their wedding would go with a single problem, being natural and close to the earth. Cerri being insistent she not wear shoes. She showed her beliefs for the first time to River, but he didn’t care.She would rebuild her car, and begin to Street race. River would be skeptical of this past time, but would manage her to be safe. Cerri wouldn't be any good at it, at first. She would gain infamy for being out of place, and standing out. At this moment she would gather her friends and go find a special car. Katy, Rick and River get together one last time to find a Mitsbaru STI Eclipse . They would find one in the perfect condition in Boulder Colorado. They would get it home with an issue, and Cerri would begin fixing and tuning it.River would begin an interest in music, he would support Cerri's racing with custom music's. He would also do custom paint jobs for her.

-Second year: 1997-
Cerri would begin to pitch the idea of having their first child. Cerri at this point would be a well known car racer, she doesn't win a lot but she is good at it nonetheless. River would be hesitant to have a child with Cerri due to paranoia of the area. He would start to become a known auto body painter.

-Third year: 1998-
Cerri's street racing career would be fully successful, at this point most people know her name. She doesn't carry events, nor is she famous, but it's a humble amount of success. She is pleased with this, and wouldn't push for further fame. Cerri would be insistent that the area is safe, and would try to convince River. He however wouldn't be so fervent on the idea. She would finally find the M2 Browning she was wanting, and gets it from a Shady Military Supplier.River would be a well known artist for auto body work. Doing custom paint jobs and auto body work. River would finally accept Cerri's Wish of having a child. She would become pregnant at the beginning of the year.

-Fourth year: 1999-
Cerri would give birth to her first child, a young boy named Carson Kevin Robinson.This would mark the end of Cerri's street racing, she would lose a right side Tie rod causing the steering to break down on her car. This would cause it to clip a piece of debris, and hurdle the car into the air. It would roll over three times before coming to a stop. Cerri would suffer several injuries and would live the accident. She would suffer a break in the right side of her collar bone, he left hand shattered, her right femur broken, and minor head injuries. She would thankfully be safe with it, and wore her head gear, saving her life. She would be hospitalized in the Wire for several weeks. She wouldn't mind, calming down, and spending time with her child during this time.River would step up in the money vacuum and go from a stay at home dad to full time auto body worker. He would do more the just custom paint jobs, finally working for anyone who needed painting done. He would find success in this and trade work for resources.Katy would be by her side every step of the way. She would play games with her, and stay with her. Katy would volunteer to be her nurse. She would do her job day and night to watch over her best friend.

-Fifth year: 2000-
Cerri would have another child, a young girl named Cindy Kale Robinson. Cerri would finally recover from her accident mostly and be discharged from the hospital. Cerri would finally calm down, and go back to work fixing her car. She wouldn't race it, but builds it for daily driving. She would however finish a secret project she was working on. Her Mitsbaru STI Eclipse into an armored beast. Cerri, amidst paranoia, elected to build an escape option. A 500 Horsepower, all wheel drive, mounted .50 Caliber escape option.River would be surprised by this, and would wonder if she is hiding anything else. Cerri would vehemently deny this, but deep down she was still that scared little girl she was when Knox began. River would support her anyway, helping her build the car using his electrical knowledge.

-The Future 2001+-
Cerri would live peacefully in her forested home for many years. even as more people arrived civilizing the wildlands before them, she would maintain her land and peace. She would not have any more children. Cerri would live happily for 5 more years. Someone would try and kidnap one of her children, causing her to shoot them dead. This man was a leader of a small sect of people. They did not take kindly to this, and would finally chase Cerri out of the Wire. She would hide in her house for 6 months, finally, one day they followed river home and found her. They stood out in front of her house and demanded that she show herself. Cerri would not comply, and a gun fight would start. Cerri and River would attempt to get to their car, to escape.

Their garage was not attached to their house, and had to cross in the open. River was able to sneak past with their kids, but Cerri was not so lucky. She would be shot in the chest, falling to the ground. She looks up into starry night gasping for air as blood fills her lungs. A small sect of people approach her, and the first gets shot by river. He would drag her into the garage and attempt to bandage her. Cerri, gasping for air, looking at river, tells him to get in the car. River would drag her to the passenger side door. She would climb into the car, her weight dragging the floor. She sags and coughs, unable to breath, River yells for her to hold pressure on the wound while he drives her to Katy. The sect tries to chase them, but would quickly be discouraged by the M2.

Katy would hear 3 loud bangs, louder than any ordinary gun. She knew deep down what it was. The STI Eclipse. She knew the sound, and felt the foreboding dread that lingered in the air. Something was wrong, very wrong. Sure enough, arriving at her front door step was her best friend bleeding out. Shot in the chest, Katy sprung to action, packing the chest wound, drawing her to a table, and have Rick apply pressure. Cerri gasping through exsanguinated breath takes Katy's hand. She slowly shakes her head, and mutters her last words "I Love you" Cerri would die there on that night from an inflicted gunshot wound to the chest. She would die among her friends and family. Loved, she died standing up to evil. She went down as a brave, strong woman. She was no longer the scared little girl she was when Knox started. So ends Cerrica Kale Davis, dead at 30.

Katy and River raise the children. River would struggle with depression at first, he was barely able to be a father. Katy would be supportive and help him by being his therapist. She would help in any way she could, she would support by helping with his kids till he got better. Once he got better he took over being a father for his kids. They would want revenge but knowing they couldn’t do it without great loss. River would raise his kids with Katy, and they grow up to be good kids. Carson would take up the love of his father, and would become into the arts. Cindy would take after her mother and enjoy cars. She would maintain the STI and her mother’s C6.

9 years after Cerrica’s death, River decides to take his revenge. He would leave the kids with Katy and head off. He would pose as an arms dealer, selling Cerri’s guns to a band. This would get his entry. He would spend the next year gathering their trust and their loyalty. He would prove himself on many occasions. River would live, and kill for the scav gang. He would eventually figure out how they targeted Cerri. In her racing days, the scav band were betting on her, and thus began to follow her after she quit. This gave River his excuse, he would find the bosses, and their names. River knew how Cerri would deal with this, so he set off to kill them. Before the race, River snuck into their mechanics shop and planted several pipe bombs. In Cerrica fashion the race started and the bosses met in the shop. In one swift decisive move, they exploded. Rigging the area with gasoline caused everyone to think it was a gas explosion.
River was able to walk off and return to his kids, and for the last time, he never killed another soul. He would finally rest, with his kids. River would be the dad they needed.

A paper bound journal would be found under her pillow. It reads her final thoughts.

“Today is a good day, I woke up early but that's okay. I went to see Katy, it's always the best seeing her and Rick. They are the greatest, I am so lucky to have made lifelong friends with them. Still blows my mind that we made it here all those years ago. I'm happy to live like this, peacefully, happily, I wonder what ever happened to my friends from the Knox event… Oh well, probably best to not think about it. Tomorrow, I am gonna give Katy her present, something I found. It's a jacket, just kinda reminded me of her, I know how she likes these things. That's for tomorrow Cerri, tonight Cerri is sleepy. If you read this, I love you. I love you so much that I can't express the feeling. Please take care of the kids, cause if you're reading this something happened to me. If not… I will fight you, stop reading my journal! Jokes aside, I'm gonna go get the kids ready for bed, then retire myself. Goodnight journal”
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Re: Katy, Cerri, Rick & Abraham

Post by Aur3llia »

Rick’s Monologue

It was an average summer day for Rick. Well…..one of the first average ones ever since the hellscape that was Knox. He woke up alert, his long black hair whipping around as he looked around a bit rapidly, something left over from the Knox days. But immediately calmed down and looked around with a smile. He was /actually/ safe, still a big shocker despite being in the cabin that Katy and him built with some help from Cerri for about a year or so. He could laugh off the shit odds of making it this far. He got pretty lucky making it out of the hospital during the event without getting torn apart, surviving manticore, the Russian attacks. He didn't usually talk about the rest of his past; he never saw much point in looking back farther than that hospital; his dad was someone who was best forgotten. Not his blood sister though. Too bad the virus got them only if he had reached them sooner before they got bit. He still can’t shake the image of the thing that is/was his sister. He’s so glad Katy was there to put them down peacefully. But he’s gotta keep going; it's what his sister would have wanted. Makes it a lot easier to keep going for him. Seeing people he would consider family not just alive but safe and happy. And their big sister finally getting into a routine that made them happy, not near cracking, not faking happiness but truly happy. That is what he wanted after all. This aided him greatly in healing from any horrors that Knox may have subjected him to.

When Katy and Rick settled down in the cabin. Rick went back to school in the main city to study medicine working with Katy as a student. He was pretty damn good at it too since he already had a year of very hands-on experience thanks to the apocalypse. Even sometimes fixing/maintaining the machines at the hospital with his old metalworking skills and some electrical skills from when he went to college to be an engineer before Knox fell. Which seemed to make Katy very proud. Working at the hospital made Rick even more happy than he already was in his new life. He truly did like helping people in the end. Maybe that was something that he picked up from Katy or maybe he always had it in him. He was never too sure. Cerri and River lived pretty close too. Cerri and River would come over for dinner and game nights. They would often help each. Whether that be building, sewing, farming, or mechanical work. Abe also lived pretty close in another cabin not too far. He found his brother’s kids and they would often come over. Abe would also take good care of Katy. Which is why Rick cared and respected Abe so much in the first place.

Rick grew greatly attached to his new life. He loved his little family, helping at the cabin anyway he could, and working at the hospital. Unfortunately, five years later Cerri would die due to multiple gunshot wounds. Leaving two kids behind Carson and Cindy. Rick would have tried to hunt the group down but found it better to try to care for Carson and Cindy in any small way he could v.s dying trying to chase down a group he barely knew about. But Katy and River did most of the heavy lifting. Katy being a very good mother figure and River literally being their father.

In the end, Rick got more than he could ask for…..a family who cares greatly about him….a big sister…..mostly everyone he cares about being alive. He got out of Knox with more than he had before the Knox event. He was so so lucky it made him nearly want to cry. He against all odds finally survived the nightmare.
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Re: Katy, Cerri, Rick & Abraham

Post by Aur3llia »

Abraham's Monologue

When Abraham arrived in Colorado he found and got custody of his deceased brothers' sons. He soon moved out into the outskirts of the city, following his friends. He moved on to the assigned plot Katy and Rick had, helping them build up their cabins with the skills he learned from his father. He tried to join the scavenging parties to get supplies to help around the ranch but the weekly gun fights and skirmishes with other factions soon made him realize he had a family to lose unlike before he met Katy and Rick. His morals had changed from before, he understood how sacred life was. He took a vow of pacifism, burying his guns and weapons under his chicken coop.

Abraham's main job was logging wood from worksites to construction sites in the growing community outside of the city. Abraham picked up some hobbies like archery(Something that took him extra long due to his hand injury), fishing, and raising chickens for meat during the winter. When he wasn’t teaching himself how to be self-sufficient he was teaching his nephews how to survive and to hunt with respect for nature. He also spent a lot of time with Katy, still being there for her and by her side through everything. He enjoyed the companionship and time they had together.

Once his nephews began to work with him eventually managed to make his own company using ration cards as payment. Abe’s company grew quite a lot, having around 40 employees as Abraham began getting bigger and bigger contracts to help start outposts and other settlements in the new American frontier.
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