Chloe Pickerings- Willis

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Chloe Pickerings- Willis

Post by SBJ »

Before The Knox Event (Pt. 1):
Chloe lived comfortably in Alabama at her family's farmstead and was to eventually gain ownership of said-farm when she got older. As much as she loved the farm, Chloe found herself staring out into the pasture and past the rolling hills of green wondering if this was all that was intended of her. To be a farmer or farmer's wife. Every generation before her had been, but she. . was restless. A sense of wanderlust consuming her slowly, feeling her dreams fleeting before her eyes. Up until she graduated, Chloe continued her hobby of playing softball and was very known across their county for being a slugger. Her stays at the farm lessened as Chloe toured with her team to rival states up until she suffered a major injury to her ankle.

Her return home would be longer than she wanted, finding it hard to give up on her past dream of playing professionally. . but as she nursed her injury to health, she found interest in becoming a medical professional. Her farm town had only a small amount of staff and it was a perfect opportunity to dip into possibly becoming a nurse. On top of her studies at the small college, she kept her body strong working the farm as to ensure she had the energy required to work the medical field.
Before The Knox Event (Pt. 2):
She found herself in Kentucky after traveling with a friend to attend the local university, a culture shock to say the least as she moved into the bustling city of LV. Sharing an apartment, she continued her studies and finished her nursing degree before moving on to her doctorate. The once social butterfly became a hermit in the darkness of her room, thick textbooks and varying papers from examinations scattered around the room. She teetered along the line of being the top of her class, pushing herself harder just to stay afloat. Burn-out was inevitable as she spent all her time cooped up in her room studying instead of socializing. It took several of her friends to encourage her to attend a charity event that the university and hospital were holding. Little did she know this would the event where she met the love of her life. One of the participating firefighters, Darnell Willis. She recognized a ballcap that he wore that had her favorite baseball team's logo on it, sparking a conversation that led further into the night and a question of meeting again. Darnell was passionate in his work and they both found charming similarities of interest in each other. It was a done deal.
Before The Knox Event (Pt.3):
Her new look on life changed as she lived happily alongside her lover Darnell and their Dalmatian Rufus. Chloe worked long shifts at the hospital, picking away at her Doctorate which she would get just before she received a call of her mother's depleting health. The medical center that was close to her farm had closed years ago, so Chloe made an agreement to see that she was her mother's medical aid in the last few months she had to live. She was buried with her other relatives at the garden grave just outside their farm and Chloe bid her father and brothers an unknowing final goodbye as she flew back to Kentucky.


After The Knox Event:
Her return home was normal, finding routine in her work and life alongside her lover's. The fateful day of the repeating broadcast of an outbreak and the instructions following for all citizens. She could remember that day vividly. Her last shift at the hospital until her and Darnell's vacation. They were expecting their neighbor, Benny, to stop by for dinner and some card games. It wasn't on the itinerary to have to pack up and leave. In the early weeks of the Knox event, Chloe assisted local medical tents to tend to injured survivors until they were overrun with an overwhelming amount of dead. It felt like months that Darnell, Benny, and her held up in an abandoned house. . wondering what their next steps were.


After The Knox Event (Con't):
Darnell had plans for the warehouse just outside the LV checkpoint. For any survivors in need, the warehouse would be visible so that the three could help their community. It was rough the first months, but their luck was high when they found an abandoned key and note regarding a train cart filled to the brim with food. The many voices on the radio begged for help, for shelter, for safety. The three came together and created The United Coalition, a trading company that would become a neutral space for all survivors looking for a brief respite or home. A year of hard work and New Haven was born. The faction and the community within it thrived but also had their difficulties. They soon run into a bad agreement between the NKR that they were wise enough to silently turn down, soon leading to bonds with the surrounding factions in their efforts to thwart the reign of the NKR and their affiliated factions. The UC lost many people over those years but continued to stand nonetheless, and it was thanks to their allies and community that came to their aid. It was a solemn feeling leaving their home behind for Alaska after all the many memories and hardships faced within those walls. With the remaining members of UC, they sought for a new life elsewhere in hope for some much needed peace. They will never forget the efforts that Knox County made to survive and are proud to have been part of that community, whether liked or disliked by varying groups.

Honorable Mentions (Deceased or ???):
Big Caldega
Jean-Luc Robespierre
Aurore Haim
Joshua Waters
Cletus Clay
Yume and Mako
Alan Parker
Doodle of Chloe by TehHank
Doodle of Chloe by TehHank
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